This week’s workout feature Olympic lifting, Powerlifting, Pistols, Wall Balls, Running, Muscle-up, and Double Unders. Read the full post for tips and strategies for each WOD.
Monday, January 27th: Burpees, Pistols, and a Hip Thrust Challenge
- AMRAP 9:
- 9 burpees to a target (12/12 in)
- 10 alternating single-leg squats (pistols)
- Challenger Add-on: Hip Thrust 5 x 5
Breakdown: Monday kicks things off with a 9-minute AMRAP that’s going to test your engine and leg stability. Those 12-inch target burpees will get your heart pumping, and the pistols will demand balance and single-leg strength. If you’re feeling extra spicy, the 5×5 hip thrust add-on will build that posterior chain.
Tip: Pace yourself on the burpees and focus on controlled, quality reps on the pistols. Scale the pistols to a box or with assistance if needed. For the hip thrusts, go heavy but maintain good form!
Tuesday, January 28th: Snatch Race
- AMRAP 3:
- Snatches (95/135 lb)
Breakdown: Short, sweet, and POWERFUL. Three minutes of snatches is all about explosiveness and technique. This is a great opportunity to work on your snatch efficiency under fatigue.
Tip: Warm up your shoulders and hips thoroughly. Focus on a fast turnover and a solid lockout. If you’re new to snatches, consider practicing with a lighter weight or even a PVC pipe to work on the movement pattern.
Wednesday, January 29th: Ascending Reps and Double-Unders
- 5-10-15-20-25 reps for time of:
- Chest-to-bar pull-ups
- Single-DB push presses (35/50 lb)
- Complete 30 double-unders after each round.
Breakdown: Wednesday is a chipper with an ascending rep scheme that’s going to tax your upper body and test your grip. The double-unders will add a cardio challenge and test your coordination.
Tip: Break up the pull-ups and push presses into manageable sets from the start. Don’t go to failure early. For the double-unders, try to stay relaxed and consistent. Scale to single-unders if needed.
Thursday, January 30th: Heavy Day – Back Squat
- For load:
- Back squat 5-5-5-5-5
- Choose a working weight and hold it across all 5 sets.
Breakdown: It’s heavy day! Time to build that foundation with back squats. This is all about consistent, heavy lifting with good form.
Tip: Warm up thoroughly, including mobility work for your hips and ankles. Choose a weight that’s challenging but allows you to maintain proper form throughout all 5 sets. Don’t be afraid to have a spotter, especially if you’re pushing your limits.
Friday, January 31st: Rowing, Lunges, and a Clean & Jerk Wave
- 5 rounds for time:
- 16/20-cal row
- 15 front-rack lunges (55/75 lb)
- Challenger Add On:
- Clean and Jerk Wave
Breakdown: Friday finishes the work week strong with a classic combination of rowing and lunges. This workout will tax your cardiovascular system and your legs. The clean and jerk wave add-on is perfect for those looking to push their Olympic lifting.
Tip: For the rowing, aim for a consistent pace throughout the workout. On the lunges, keep your core tight and your chest up. Scale the weight as needed. For the clean and jerk, focus on technique and building up to a heavy single or double.
Saturday, February 1st: Partner Muscle-Up Biathlon
- Partner WOD
- For time:
- 400-m run
- 18 muscle-ups
- 400-m run
- 15 muscle-ups
- 400-m run
- 12 muscle-ups
- Partners run together and share muscle-up reps as desired, running an additional 200-m after each person has taken an attempt.
Breakdown: Grab a buddy and get ready for a fun, challenging partner workout! The muscle-up biathlon combines running with high-skill gymnastics, making for a great test of teamwork and overall fitness.
Tip: Communicate with your partner about how you want to divide the muscle-ups. Use the runs to recover, and push yourselves on the gymnastics. Scale the muscle-ups to jumping muscle-ups, banded muscle-ups, or even ring rows if needed.
Run Club: Not scheduled because the CrossFit workout itself is a run WOD. Also, Coach Paul is working through a minor Achille’s sprain.
Sunday, February 2nd: Wall Balls, Toes-to-Bar, and Push-Ups
- For time:
- 60 wall-ball shots (14/20 lb) (9/10 ft)
- 50 toes-to-bars
- 40 push-ups
Breakdown: Sunday’s WOD is a classic CrossFit triplet that’s going to test your endurance and mental toughness.
Tip: Break up the reps into manageable sets from the start. Focus on maintaining a good rhythm on the wall balls, use kipping on the toes-to-bar, and don’t be afraid to drop to your knees for the push-ups if needed.
Final Thoughts
This week’s programming offers a great balance of strength, conditioning, and skill work. Remember to listen to your body, scale appropriately, and prioritize good form over speed. Have fun, support your fellow CrossFitters, and crush these workouts! Let’s make it a great week!