Macro Calculator for Calories Carbs, Protein, Fat

Macro Calculator for Macronutrients

Our Free 🆓 Macronutrient Calculator determines the basal metabolic rate and total daily expenditure using the Harris-Benedict formula.  From there, the calculator determines your macros (total calories, carbs, protein, and fat.)   To use the calculator, you just need to need to know your height, age, height, and exercise frequency.

Functional Strength Training Alexandria VA

Functional Strength Training Alexandria VA 22314

What is Functional Strength Training?
Functional Strength Training involves exercise techniques that mimic movements performed in everyday life, outdoor activities, or in a sport. This training technique involves the use of numerous tools to build the movement patterns such as: Kettle Bells, Viprs, TRX, Barbell, Dumbbell, Sandbags, Sleds, Ropes, Medicine Balls.

Calorie Quality vs Calorie Quantity

The Definitive Guide to Calorie Quality vs Calorie Quantity

How to Analyze Calorie Quality

Losing weight is about eating the good calories, not limiting how many you eat. This breaking new article (link below) from the New York Times summarizes research that losing weight is more about eating good calories than limiting total calories.  Well, duh … we’ve only known that for the past decade.  While it’s great that the New York Times is helping the public come to this understanding, the article doesn’t really explain how to analyze what is a good calorie and what’s not.  Here’s how you make that determination…

Powerlifting Back Squat Stength

Powerlifting Alexandria VA

Powerlifting is a strength based program focused on the Bench, Squat and Deadlift. In a powerlifting program, the athlete is focused on gaining strength using the prime moves of Deadlift, Bench, and Squat.  By adding in variations on the main lifts (Sumo Deadlift, Romanian, or Front Squat, Incline Bench etc) and adding accessory moves (Dumbell press, Pull ups, Tate Press etc), you quickly and consistently gain overall strength.  This article discuss several powerlifting programs in detail as well as how to perform several of key powerlifting exercises.

Running versus Walking

Walking vs Running — Building safe biomechanics to run safely

How Good is your Running Pattern and Biomechanics?

When it comes to burning calories and improving muscle tone, running is better than walking.  Running creates a superior metabolic effect burns more calories per hour and per mile.  Running versus walking is more effective at building strength and generating EPOC (Exercise Post Oxygen Consumption).

But running safely requires careful attention to your biomechanics and running pattern. Is your form robust enough to run safely?

Join us as we examine some of the common running patterns that can result in injury.

Personal Trainer: Tax Deduction, Insurance Coverage, and The Letter of Medical Necessity

Wondering if you can deduct personal training sessions a taxable deduction?  What if you could actually have your insurance cover it?  Step one is to use our Online Letter of Medical Necessity Generator.  You’ll also find a sample PDF of Letter Medical Necessity to hand to your doctor.

How to be Flexible for Beginners Warmups and Stretches Swiss Ball

How to be Flexible for Beginners

Zero2Fit: Foundational Fitness. Want to get in shape safely? We break down the proper mechanics for the squat, deadlift, pushup. Also featured is a video on how write conditioning workouts and the 4 keys areas for mobility training.

Fit Aid Review

Fit Aid is a dominate recovery drink in the CrossFit Market. But is it going to improve your gains? Boost recovery and get you ready for the WOD tomorrow? Or is just full of sugar and empty promises?

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