Private CrossFit Coaching vs Group Class CrossFit in our Alexandria VA Box. CrossFit classes are super fun and you get to compete with your peers to help you stay motivated. But have you ever tried a Private CrossFit session? Picture it, a custom scaled and coached CrossFit WOD — handcrafted to your goals and unique mobility. Here’s how we build those WODs (workouts out of the day) and how our Private CrossFit Coaching works.
Private CrossFit Coaching Overview
Here’s a video of a private CrossFit Coaching session. In this session Paul was coaching Migdaris through the following WOD.
3 Rounds for Time (RFT):
- 4 Wall Walkers
- 12 Ring Rows
- 4 Deadlifts at 80% of One Rep Max
A Big Shout out to Migdaris for her amazing performance in this Workout #22
Private CrossFit Coaching Scaling
The original workout of the day (WOD) was programmed as follows:
5 Rounds for Time (RFT):
- 8 Meters Handstand Walk
- 12 Ring Muscle-ups
- 3 Deadlifts at One Rep Max
Migdaris is still working on her handstand walk, so we needed to choose a scaling for her. There are many options, and we picked one that was manageable but still required some significant effort: the wall walk. For the ring muscle up, we went with the inverted ring row. Since these are easier than the ring muscle-up, we scaled up her volume. Deadlifts Migdaris is pretty good at, so we used the original scaling. For her private CrossFit coaching session, we went with 3 rounds, because we selected a very challenging hand stand progression for her. As you can see, Migdaris, totally nailed it though.
Private CrossFit Coaching Cost
CrossFit Boxes chart different rate for their private coaching. Rates vary, but most boxes in Alexandria VA cost about $125/hr. At Sand & Steel we have various pricing models available (we do a large volume of private CrossFit lessons.) Private CrossFit coaching is sold as Personal Training — prices are available here. Scheduling your private sessions as some CrossFit boxes is difficult, because some boxes don’t frequently provide this service. Sand & Steel uses an online scheduling system so that you can book your private lessons at any time you like.
Private CrossFit Coaching Programming Options
One of the benefits of private CrossFit coaching is that the coach can build the workout around your goals. CrossFit in general is designed to improve overall fitness. Some of members are more interested in our CrossFit gymnastics sessions, Powerlifting, or Olympic lifting, etc. So for those members, we build our CrossFit sessions to the member. Through private coaching, we can work on the goals or skills you want to work on. Some of members use our private CrossFit coaching lessons to get better at our CrossFit group classes.
CrossFit Group Classes Compared
Group Classes offer a lot of benefits as well. Compared to private CrossFit Coaching, group classes are much cheaper. CrossFit classes are great place to make friends and join a community interested in health. Our CrossFit Class in Alexandria VA also offer various ways that you can compete (or not) with your fellow CrossFitters. CrossFit boxes, like ours, sometimes employ heart rate trackers and/or online leaderboards.
More CrossFit Videos for Personal Training
If you’d like to learn more about the benefits of taking private CrossFit coaching lessons, we have a video archive showing many of our sessions. You can definitely get some inspiration for build your own workouts. If you’d like some help with selecting scaling just hit us up on our Facebook Group or Linked Group.