Key workouts: Mon (practice your muscle-up scaling), Tues (practice Clean & Jerk), Wed (work on your Pose running) and Thu (practice double unders and pull-ups). Saturday should be a fun workout for everyone.
Key Point: This week features a lot of pull-up style movements so do extra mobility tonight on forearms, lats, and biceps. Start using your hand cream now.
Mon: Gymnastics
Box Jumps and Bar Muscle-up. This is a key workout to attend to improve your mechanics on a challenging pullup.
Tue: Heavy Day – WL
3 Squat Cleans + Jerk. Improve your mechanics on this Oly Combo.
Wed: Run Metcon
Running and Dumbbell Lunges team up in a familiar Hyrox-style combo. Challenger Bonus: Ring Pushups, Hollow Rocks, and a Death by Reps Finisher
Thu: SW, Dubs, P/U Triplet
A new “Fight Gone Bad” style triplet with three moves and 4 rounds. Great workout to improve your dubs and pullup volume.
Sat: Partner – Endurance
Hit some big numbers in an I-Go-You-Go 25-30 WOD with squats, rowing, and sit-ups