We are bringing the heat this seven brand new workouts that test your skill and stamina. Our main event is our Tuesday 6PM WOD. Coach Keren will be leading us into battle as we take on the “No Chalks, No Grips, Leave Ya’ Gear Here Challenge.” After the WOD, join us at Restaurant 54. Please RSVP. And don’t miss Sunday as we take the brutal burpee / thruster combo from Admiral Akbar.
Workout Preview
Dec 16 – Dec 22
Key workouts this week include:
Monday: Snatch // Heavy Day
Tuesday: Bar Hold, Dubs, V-ups // Gymnastics Endurance MG
Wednesday: Run, Burpees, Clean & Jerk// Metcon MGW
Thursday: Row, Handstand Walk, Bike Row// Sprint WOD MG
Friday: Squat Cleans and Pullups // Metcon GW
Saturday: Row T2B OHS // MGW
Sunday: Sit-ups, Thrusters, Burpees
7 Awesome WODS: All Gas … No Breaks.
Paul’s Training Schedule: Monday 6AM, Tuesday 6AM, Wednesday 6:30PM, Friday 5:30AM, Saturday (Run at 8AM), Sunday 9AM
Mon: Quality & Quantity // Heavy Day
For Load:
1 rep on the minute of:
Min 0-5: snatch high pull
Min 6-10: hang power snatch
Min 11-20: power snatch – Score is the heaviest load for each section.
Tue: No Chalk, No Grips…Leave Ya Gear Here
For Time:
Accumulate 6:00 of a pull-up bar dead hang hold
Each time you drop from the bar, complete 100 double-unders and 30 V-ups.
12-20 minutes
Wed: Fire!!! // Sprint WOD
For Time:
400-m run
30 lateral burpees over the bar
20 clean and jerks (80/115 lb)
4:00-8:00 Minutes
Challenger Bonus:
Add Back Rack Lunges… like last week, but heavier.
Sand Bag Schlep
Thu: Holy Hot Cheeks, Batman! // Endurance WOD
For Reps:
3:00 max-cal row
3:00 max-distance handstand walk
3:00 max-cal bike
3:00 rest
3:00 max-cal bike
3:00 max-distance handstand walk
3:00 max-cal row
– 5 feet of handstand walking is 1 rep.
Fri: Peek-A-Boo // GW
4 squat cleans (125/185 lb)
12 pull-ups
Straight into…
10:00 to establish:
1 heavy squat clean
5-10 Rounds
Challenger Bonus:
Add Holy Hot Cheeks (Thursday’s Whole WOD
- Dumbbell RDL and GHD Work
Sat: Rock ‘n’ Roll // Gymnastics Endurance MG
500-m row
30 toes-to-bars
30 overhead squats (80/115 lb)
500-m row
6:00-10:00 Minutes
Run Club:
3-6 Miles at Turkey Run PATC Trail. Followed by Sweet Bites Cafe.
View the trail information.
Sun: Admiral Ackbar // Metcon
Toughest WOD of the Week!
75 reps for time of:
AbMat sit-ups
Straight into…
10-20-30 reps for time of:
DB thrusters (20/35 lb)
7:00-12:00 Minutes