Running versus Walking

Walking vs Running — Building safe biomechanics to run safely

How Good is your Running Pattern and Biomechanics?

When it comes to burning calories and improving muscle tone, running is better than walking.  Running creates a superior metabolic effect burns more calories per hour and per mile.  Running versus walking is more effective at building strength and generating EPOC (Exercise Post Oxygen Consumption).

But running safely requires careful attention to your biomechanics and running pattern. Is your form robust enough to run safely?

Join us as we examine some of the common running patterns that can result in injury.

FMS Trunk Stability Pushup

Mobility and Stability Screen

What if we could find problems before they turn into injuries?  And if there are injuries, what if we could track down the biomechanical source to repair those injuries?  We would be better…  We would train safer ….

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