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North Valley Trail Run – April 20
The Run
North Valley Trail in Prince Williams Park. Start time is 9:00AM-9:30AM depending on your run distance. The goal is to have everyone finish at 10:30AM for coffee and brunch.
- Parking: In the Food Lion Shopping Center
- Directions to Trailhead: 5106 Spriggs Lane Fire Rd, Dumfries, VA 22025
- Start Time: 9:00AM-9:30AM, Saturday at the Trailhead. Carpool leaves at 8AM.
- At the Trailhead: Meet at the trailhead 9AM (Rx), 9:15AM (Int), 9:30AM (Beg). Finish the run by 10:30AM. Beginners/Intermediates that want to start at 9AM can do so. Either you can extend your run distance a little bit or you’ll just finish a little early. The Rx run should take 80-90 minutes to complete.
- Carpool Time: Leaves the gym at 8:00AM. Message Paul if you want a ride.
- Custom Maps: Be sure to download the trail maps as they are custom routes.
Distances and Routes
Rx: 7.1 Miles Start Time 9:00AM (Pace 12 Minute Mile)
Int: 5.1 Miles Start Time 9:15AM (Pace 15 Minute Mile)
Beg: 3.2 Miles Start Time 9:30AM (Pace 18 Minute Mile)
Custom: You can choose a different distance, just make sure you finish by 10:30AM.
Post Run – Meet at Starbucks
There are many different food options in shopping center. I selected Starbucks as a central location so we look around with coffee and pick a bar or restaurant.
- Bakery: 10:45-11:15AM: Le Cake Boutique
- Korean BBQ: 11:30AM: Firepan Korean BBQ and Bar
- Coffee: 10:45-11:15AM: Starbucks
Programming for April 1 – April 7
Highlights include Barbara Benchmark, a sprint weight lifting metcon, and two trail run days. Plus Paul will be hosting a BBQ on Saturday. Check out the news on the video links below.
Hemlock Trail Run and Paradise Springs Winery March 30 2024
90 Minute Run Planned… faster runners will run further, slower runners will run a shorter distance. Run, Run/Walk, or Hiking is OK. We’ll head to Paradise Springs Winery after the run.
Leave from the gym at 10AM, with 10:45AM planned start time. Download the Trail Map here
Mobility Lab Wrap-up March 28, 2024
Thank you for everyone that attended Front Rack I class on shoulder external rotation. If anyone has any requests for the next class or suggestions in general, please let me know. My goal in mobility lab is to teach you everything I know about to protect your body from injury, improve flexibility and range of motion, and help you recover faster.
Front Rack II On April 10, we’ll complete our deep into optimizing the front rack position. We’ll do Mobs for elbow flexion, t-spine extension, wrist extension, and external forearm rotation.
Front Rack III For the third and final class on the Front Rack, we’ll do a before and after on the front rack, and I’ll inspect your front rack and tell which of the 5 mobility requirements for the front rack to work on to improve your position. Better Position, improves our mechanical advantage allowing us to lifter and safer. We will work skills on high hang clean, front squat, thruster, and push jerk. I particular, I’ll be coaching and correcting technique flaws in the Front Rack position. You’ll then use the tools I have taught you to improve mobility in these positions. This third class might scheduled on April 17 or April 24. Here’s why:
Mobility Lab Pricing is $39/month for two sessions per month (90 minute classes). However, if we get 3 more people to signup, I’ll increase the frequency to 3 times per month. Mobility Lab’s price will go up to $49/month, but you’ll keep the $39/month price as an early adopter.
Mobility Lab
Rotator Cuff Anatomy Videos
Some videos to watch to review internal and external shoulder rotation.
Pec Major: