Run Club
$19.00 Per Month
Join our Alexandria Run Club to run with a fun group CrossFitters passionate about running, hiking, and trail running. Run Club classes feature a mixture of trail running, hiking, and road running. Plus awesome post run events. We also join local races. Run better and improve your running mechanics
Run Club Alexandria VA
Our Run Club features trail runs ranging from 3-13 miles. All of our runs feature beginner friendly distance options so that new runners can join us. As part of the class, we teach new runners what kind of sneakers to buy, what gear to wear, how much water they need, and which supplements are best on and after the trail.
Follow Paul: on Komoot and Alltrails for easy access to our custom trails.
View our Next Scheduled Runs
Turkey Run PATC – Saturday, Dec 21, 2024. 8:00AM
Komoot | GPX | Parking Directions | Sweet Bites
- Beginner 3 Miles. Pace 25:00 Minute/Mile
- Intermediate 4.5 Miles. Pace 20:00 Minute/Mile
- Rx 6 Miles. Pace 15:00 Minute/Mile
- Target Time: 1.5 Hours
- Leave your house by about 7:15AM … the trail is 30 minutes from the gym. Be ready to run at 8AM. Meetup at the parking lot.
- Carpool? Message us on discord to setup. Happy to drive together.
Run Overview
Turkey Run PATC trail … hike quickly … run where you can. Don’t forget your compass. :-). A super fun trail… not to be missed.
Wakefield CC Loop- Sunday, Dec 15, 2024. 8:00AM
Komoot | GPX | Parking Directions | Coffee TBD
- Beginner 7.8 Miles. Pace 16:00 Minute/Mile
- Intermediate 9 Miles. Pace 14:00 Minute/Mile
- Rx 8 Miles. Pace 11:00 Minute/Mile
- Target Time: 2:00-2:30. 2 Hours is on pace.
- Leave your house by about 7:30AM … the trail is 15 minutes from the gym. Be ready to run at 8AM. Meetup at the parking lot.
- Make sure you use the Parking Directions Link.
- Carpool? Message us on discord to setup. Happy to drive together.
Run Overview
A tried and true paved loop. A fast trail with beautiful views.
Hemlock Run – Saturday Nov 23, 2024. 8:00AM
Komoot | GPX | Parking Directions | Paradise Winery
- 5 Mile Loop.
- One or two loops
- One Course for All Levels.
- Leave your house by about 7:15AM … the trail is 30 minutes from the gym. Be ready to run at 8AM. Meetup at the parking lot.
Run Overview
This is the EX2 Trail we’ll be doing on December 8, 2024. Get some practice on this excellent trail. Join us a Paradise Winery afterwards.
SugarLand Trail – Sunday, Nov 17, 2024. 8:00AM
Komoot | GPX | Parking Directions | Multiple Choices Nearby
- Rx 9.25 miles
- Int 8.16 miles
- Beg 7.29 miles
- Run Time: 1.5-2hrs.
- Leave your house by about 7:15AM … the trail is 30 minutes from the gym. Be ready to run at 8AM. Meetup at the parking lot by Weird Brothers.
- Carpool? Message us on discord to setup. Happy to drive together.
Run Overview
Fully paved trail… highly rated. Expect fast times on this famous trail.
Capital Run – Sunday, Nov. 3, 2024. 7:00AM
Komoot | GPX | Parking Directions | Compass Coffee
- Beginner 6 Miles. Pace 15:00 Minute/Mile
- Intermediate 8 Miles. Pace 13:00 Minute/Mile
- Rx 9.5 Miles. Pace 11:00 Minute/Mile
- Target Time: 2:00-2:30. 2 Hours is on pace.
- Leave your house by about 6:15AM … the trail is 40 minutes from the gym. Be ready to run at 7AM. Meetup at the parking lot.
- Carpool? Message us on discord to setup. Happy to drive together.
Run Overview
Join us for our Monuments run in DC. Parking is limited so note the 7AM trail meetup time.
Cabin John – Saturday, Oct 26, 2024. 8:00AM
Komoot | GPX | Parking Directions | Fish Tacos
- Beginner 7.8 Miles. Pace 16:00 Minute/Mile
- Intermediate 9 Miles. Pace 14:00 Minute/Mile
- Rx 10 Miles. Pace 13:00 Minute/Mile
- Target Time: 2:00-2:30. 2 Hours is on pace.
- Leave your house by about 7:00AM … the trail is 40 minutes from the gym. Be ready to run at 8AM. Meetup at the parking lot.
- Carpool? Message us on discord to setup. Happy to drive together.
Run Overview
A brand new trail for S&S Trail Club. What adventures await in this out and back quest?
Rocky Gap 50K Relay – Sunday, Oct 13, 2024. 8:30AM
Ex2 Race! Signup here.
Join Our Team
Sand and Steel will be attending the EX2 Rocky Gap Relay on Sunday. Hope to see you there.
Schaeffer Farm Trail System – Sep 28, 2024. 8:00AM
Komoot | GPX | Parking Directions | Sports Bar
- Beginner 7 Miles. Pace 16:00 Minute/Mile
- Intermediate 8.3 Miles. Pace 14:00 Minute/Mile
- Rx 8.9 Miles. Pace 13:00 Minute/Mile
- Rx+ 10.4 Miles. Pace 11:15 Minute/Mile
- Target Time: 2:00-2:20. 2 Hours is on pace.
- Leave your house by about 7:00AM … the trail is 45 minutes from the gym. Be ready to run at 8AM. Meetup at the parking lot.
- Carpool? Message us on discord to setup. Happy to drive together.
Schaeffer promises a diverse trail with some steeper sections. One of the nicer trails in our area. Well maintained and challenging. After the run, join us for beers and burgers at Dog Haus Biergarten about 5 minutes from the trail head.
Fountainhead White Loop – Sept 7, 2024. 8:00AM
Komoot | GPX | Parking Directions
- Trail Loop is 2.4 miles. You are welcome to run two or three laps if you like.
- Leave your house by about 7:20AM for an 8:00AM start time.
The Fountainhead White Loop has a little bit of everything. It’s a great loop to try out new gear and combinations. Easy parking and fun terrain make this an excellent practice trail.
Bears Den – Sept 1, 2024. 8:00AM
Komoot | GPX | Parking Directions
- Beginner 8 Miles (2000ft vertical)
- Intermediate 10 Miles (2800ft vertical)
- Rx 13 Miles (3400ft vertical)
- Target Time: 6 Hours – 3.0 Hours In and 3.0 Hours Back
- Leave your house by about 6:30AM … the trail is 1 Hr to 1.5 hrs away.
This is a hike and a challenging one with lots of hills. It’s out and back, so if you get tired, just turn around earlier. Navigation is easy … we just have one trail map.
Bear Creak Chase Brewery
33665 Bear Chase Lane
Bluemont, VA 20135
(540) 554-8210
4PM-7PM. Great Food and Beer. Celebrate the win with your friends at Sand and Steel.
Mason District – August 10, 2024. 8AM
Komoot | GPX | Parking Directions
- Beginner 2.78 Miles (175ft vertical)
- Intermediate 3.85 Miles (200ft vertical)
- Rx 4.5 Miles (200ft vertical)
- Target Time: 45 Minutes -1 Hour
- Gym Carpool Leave Time: 7:15AM.
Mason District is a mixed surface so bring your road shoes. A faster trail with minimal elevation, please scale your run to finish under an hour. Use this an opportunity work on your pose running technique and dial in your efficiency.
Post Run Meetup
To Be Determined.
Donaldson Run – August 17, 2024. 8:00AM
Komoot | GPX | Parking Directions
- Beginner 4.15 Miles (350ft vertical)
- Intermediate 4.8 Miles (375ft vertical)
- Rx 5.25 Miles (400ft vertical)
- Target Time: 1 Hour – 1.25 Hours
- Gym Carpool Leave Time: 7:15AM.
Donaldson Run Park is a mixed surface trail. There is about 3/4 mile of asphalt, dirt trails, paved trails, and some elevation. A slower trail with some challenging sections. Navigation should relatively easy. Lots of post run cafes and bars nearby. Lets plan something fun.
Mason District – August 10, 2024. 8AM
Komoot | GPX | Parking Directions
- Beginner 2.78 Miles (175ft vertical)
- Intermediate 3.85 Miles (200ft vertical)
- Rx 4.5 Miles (200ft vertical)
- Target Time: 45 Minutes -1 Hour
- Gym Carpool Leave Time: 7:15AM.
Mason District is a mixed surface so bring your road shoes. A faster trail with minimal elevation, please scale your run to finish under an hour. Use this an opportunity work on your pose running technique and dial in your efficiency.
Post Run Meetup
To Be Determined.
Fountainhead Horse Trail – Aug. 3, 2024 at 8AM
Komoot | GPX | Parking Directions
- Beginner 4.68 Miles (350ft vertical)
- Intermediate 5.34 Miles (375ft vertical)
- Rx 6.17 Miles (425ft vertical)
- Target Time: 1.5-1.75 hrs
- Gym Carpool Leave Time: 7:15AM.
The Fountainhead Horse Trail is a rugged wilderness of a trail. Be prepared for downed trees, slanty surfaces, overlapping trails, and steep grade. Saturday’s run will feature high temperature, high UV index, super high humidity, and a high mosquito index. Bring extra water… you might get turned around, sunblock, and bug spray. On the plus side, this trail features an emergency access trail that you can use to go back the start at anytime. Just keep in mind, it’s 2.5 miles long.
Post Run Meetup
To Be Determined.
Pyrite Trail – July 27, 2024 at 8AM
Komoot | GPX | Parking Directions
- Beginner 4.9 Miles (350ft vertical)
- Intermediate 6 Miles (350ft vertical)
- Rx 6.7 Miles (400ft vertical)
- Target Time: 1.5-1.75 hrs
- Gym Carpool Leave Time: 7:15AM.
Pyrite Trail is a well maintained trail with a steep ascent and a roller coaster finish. It’s one of coolest trails in our area.
Post Run Meetup
Beats, Bites and Brews in Old Town Alexandria. Starts at 11AM.
Bull Run – July 20, 2024 at 8AM
Komoot | GPX | Parking Directions
- Beginner 6.4 Miles (75ft vertical)
- Intermediate 7.63 Miles (100ft vertical)
- Rx 8.7 Miles (100ft vertical)
- Target Time: 1.5-2.0 hrs
- Gym Carpool Leave Time: 7:15AM.
In contrast to Great Falls, Bulls Run features a fast and smooth trail with moderate shade and some exciting river crossings. Fun to run with easier navigation than most trails, Bulls Run is an excellent trail if you are new to running. This week we are increasing the distance, so fuel up on electrolytes before departing for the trail on Saturday.
Post Run Meetup
Atlantis Waterpark is on the trail… bring your bathing suit? Bring the discussion to Discord.
Great Falls – July 13, 2024 at 8AM
Komoot | GPX | Parking Directions
- Beginner 5.41 Miles / 3.7 Miles (350ft vertical) Easiest terrain
- Intermediate 6.44 Miles / 4.7 Miles (475ft vertical) Moderate terrain
- Rx 6.56 Miles (500Ft Vertical) Most Technical terrain
Target Time
Under 1.5hrs
Meetup time for the run is 8AM at the parking lot. Great Falls is a national park and they charge $20 to park. I plan to get a yearly parking pass (mine expired), so anyone that wants to ride with me, please message me on Discord or the Sand and Steel App by Wednesday 8PM.
Special Programming for Intermediate and Beginners
If you look closely at the trail, you’ll see that it loops back on itself about 75% the way through. You’ll go past the starting position and then do an extra 1.5 miles. If you arrive back to the start location before the Rx group and you’d like to do a little more, just keep following the course. If you have had enough you can just stop at that point (that’s the second distance you see on the trail.)
Post Run Ice Cream
Suggested: Great Falls Creamery
Meetup Location & Location: Please meet at the parking lot at 7AM.
Run Parameters: Please target to complete the run within 75 minutes. Time Cap is 90 minutes. If you aren’t back to the parking lot by 90 minutes, please message the Run Club.
Note, there are a lot of turns on both trails… if you miss a turn (highly likely), just keeping going. There will unmarked trails that make navigation more difficult. Just be sure you are back to the cars within 90 minutes.
After the Run Meetup: 11:00AM Peet’s Coffee Shop. If you are not planning to attend, please let us know on Discord or at the run. Everyone needs to check-out with Paul for safety reasons.

Gym Meetup Time: 7:30AM
Meetup Location: For all future runs / hikes, the meetup location will be at the main parking lot. The parking lot is located at 39°06’55.3″N 77°50’51.0″W. The walk from the main parking lot to the trailhead isn’t very far. There are about 7 spots in the aux parking lot. However, if memory serves there is very little cell signal there, so please don’t park there if you don’t have signal. Please message the discord server if you park at the aux parking so we know not to wait for you.
Meetup Time: 9:00AM at the Main Parking Lot. 7:30AM at the gym. Raven Rocks is about 60 minutes from the gym.
Run / Hike: Some of the trail is runnable, but most of it is hiking only. It’s very rocky, so choose appropriate footwear.
After the Hike / Run Meetup: 12:30PM-2:30PM Beer Chase Brewery
The Trails: Download pics and gpx files or View on Komoot. Raven Rock Trail is very easy to navigate. The trail itself goes on for hundreds of miles. For this run, it’s out 1.5hrs and back 1.5hrs. More experienced athletes will simply go further in that time.
Gym Meetup Time: 8:00AM
Trailhead: 8:30AM (Parking Directions)
After the Run Meetup: 10:30AM
- Salt Line, Tap99, Blue Jacket, Open Crumb (group vote)
The TrailsÂ
Download pics and gpx files or View on Komoot
- Beginner Trail 5.59 Miles at 13:20 minute/ mile. 1:14
- Intermediate Trail 6.72 Miles at 10:55 minute/ mile. 1:14
- Rx Trail 8.12 Miles at 10:00 minute/ mile. 1:21
- Rx+ Trail 9.6 Miles at 9:30 minute/ mile. 1:14
Gym Meetup Time: 7:00AM
Trailhead: 8:00AM (Parking Directions)
After the Run Meetup: 10:00AM
Comus Inn
23900 Old Hundred Rd, Dickerson, MD 20842
The Trails
Gym Meetup Time: 8:00AM
Trailhead: 9:00AM (Parking Directions)
After the Run Meetup: 11:00AM
Paris Baguette Bakery
2324 Silver Arrow Wy, Herndon, VA 20171
The Trails
The Run
North Valley Trail in Prince Williams Park. Start time is 9:00AM-9:30AM depending on your run distance. The goal is to have everyone finish at 10:30AM for coffee and brunch.
- Parking: In the Food Lion Shopping Center
- Directions to Trailhead: 5106 Spriggs Lane Fire Rd, Dumfries, VA 22025
- Start Time: 9:00AM-9:30AM, Saturday at the Trailhead. Carpool leaves at 8AM.
- At the Trailhead: Meet at the trailhead 9AM (Rx), 9:15AM (Int), 9:30AM (Beg). Finish the run by 10:30AM. Beginners/Intermediates that want to start at 9AM can do so. Either you can extend your run distance a little bit or you’ll just finish a little early. The Rx run should take 80-90 minutes to complete.
- Carpool Time: Leaves the gym at 8:00AM. Message Paul if you want a ride.
- Custom Maps: Be sure to download the trail maps as they are custom routes.
Distances and Routes

Rx: 7.1 Miles Start Time 9:00AM (Pace 12 Minute Mile)

Int: 5.1 Miles Start Time 9:15AM (Pace 15 Minute Mile)

Beg: 3.2 Miles Start Time 9:30AM (Pace 18 Minute Mile) Custom: You can choose a different distance, just make sure you finish by 10:30AM.
Post Run – Meet at Starbucks
There are many different food options in shopping center. I selected Starbucks as a central location so we look around with coffee and pick a bar or restaurant.
- Coffee: 10:45-11:15AM: Starbucks
- Bakery: 10:45-11:15AM: Le Cake Boutique
- Korean BBQ: 11:30AM: Firepan Korean BBQ and Bar
- Run: April 13, 2024 8:00AM Leave Time From the Gym
- Distance 5K/10K Run at Seneca Creek State Park
- Download the Trail Map:
- Parking Lot
- Post Run Treat: Lil Cakes & Creamery
Hemlock Trail Run and Paradise Springs Winery March 30 2024
90 Minute Run Planned… faster runners will run further, slower runners will run a shorter distance. Run, Run/Walk, or Hiking is OK. We’ll head to Paradise Springs Winery after the run.
Leave from the gym at 10AM, with 10:45AM planned start time. Download the Trail Map here
Scaling for Various Level Runners
Like all of our classes, we provide scaling for our runs. So even if the class says were are running seven miles, we can provide you a shorter run. We are here to help in terms of running gear, hydration, nutrition, running technique, etc.
A Run Club for CrossFitters
We are not professional runners… some of us are faster, some of us are slower, but we are all friends. We run to improve our cardiovascular health and improve our conditioning for CrossFit. Our run club programming is specifically keyed with our CrossFit programming so you don’t get overtrained.
Spartan Races, Ex2 Races, Hyrox and More
We also compete as a team at various local races such as Spartan Races, EX2, Hyrox and more.
Follow Coach Paul on AllTrails
Our Alexandria Based Run Club uses Komoot and Alltrails. Follow Paul on Komoot and Alltrails for easy access to our custom trails.
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