Guest Post Payments

From: $99.00

Guest Posts and Backlinks

Backlinks are available for most articles on our blog. Links are permanent do-follow links. Fulfillment time is 1-2 business days from date of order. We do not link to certain, low quality websites. If we cannot link to your website or client's website, we reserve the right to cancel and refund your order.
Guest posts include one permanent do-follow link. Fulfillment time is 7-14 business days from date of order.
  • *Guest Post

    Reset options

    *Select an existing post

    Look at our posts at and choose one for your backlink. Posts with the "featured" category are an additional $20. Use the search function or categories to find your article.

    *Backlink URL

    What URL do you want us to link to?

    *Anchor Text

    What is the anchor text that you'd like us to use?

    Google Drive Link to your article

    If you have a google drive link to your article, please share it.

    Guest Post Article

    Please attach a Microsoft Word or PDF file of your outline or draft article

    • (max file size 128 MB)

    *Terms and Conditions

    Please carefully and complete review the terms and conditions for guest posting. A failure to read the guest post terms and conditions may result in your guest post not being published.

    *Promoted Post?

    "Normal" guest posts are backdated 3 months before the current date.
    "Promoted" guests posts are dated with the current date. Promoted posts will appear on the top of our blog article until new posts are published.

    *Additional Backlinks?

    One do-follow backlink is included in your purchase

SKU: Guest Posts Category: Tag:

Contacting Us About Guest Posts and Backlinks

If our terms aren’t a good fit for you, then unfortunately we cannot help you.

Guest Post Terms & Conditions

Do not specify your terms for guest posting or try to negotiate new terms.  Everyone gets the same terms and conditions. Those are the terms we hold all of our guest posters to.

Our Blog Covers Fitness, Mobility, Nutrition, Physical Therapy, Yoga, and Corrective Exercises.

Guest Posting, Backlinks, Sponsored Posts, and Product Reviews

Other Topics will not be approved. We do not provide guest posts or backlinks to gym in DC VA MD area.

Backlink Placement

We guarantee placement of your backlink within 1-2 business days, usually it’s even faster.  Just specify your backlink and anchor text in the comments.  Backlinks are do-follow links.

Guest Posts

Guest post publication takes 1-2 weeks.


We are unable to provide any discounts to new customers. We do provide customers with a 25% discount after they have placed two orders for you. The discount is permanent, but it cannot be used in conjunction with sales or other coupons. To qualify for the coupon, you’ll need to have placed two orders with us and provided us with a backlink from a domain with a domain authority above 40, a page authority above 50, and spam score below 2%.  Use anchor text options “Personal Training” “Personal Trainer” or “CrossFit.” Check Moz if you aren’t familiar with these concepts.

Why Do I have to Pay a Fee to Publish a Guest Post?

We get about 10 emails a day that read like this:

Dear Editor,

With all due respect, I don’t understand why I need to make a payment, especially when I’m writing the article for free.  If you’ll look at the article, you’ll notice is purely educational and it adds quite some value to the readers. I spend a lot of time writing the article, so that time investment is quite high already. Hope you understand.” 

Free Guest Poster

Our Response:

Dear Free Guest Poster,

Like all businesses, there are costs for doing work.  Publishing and editing your article takes time.  Emailing you back takes time.  Time costs money.  Your article itself may or may not be valuable.  If your backlink is to have any value, you’ll want to write a good article.  If you want to publish an article on our website, here are your costs.  We charge everyone the same price.  If publishing an article on our website is important to you, then you’ll need to pay the fee.  Otherwise, just publish the article on your own website.

Sand and Steel Editing Team

Additional information

Guest Post

Guest Post, Backlink


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