Discord Server is our private group for discussing all things Sand and Steel. Discord is how we keep in touch about new events, class workouts, personal training customization, our favorite songs, and more. Discord is a great tool to learn about the gym from the source that matters most — our community.
Discord is our Community Powered Server, and
Key to Getting the Most out of your Membership.
- Create your Discord Account.
- Join our Server.
- Click + add server
- Join Server
- Paste this link: https://discord.gg/WEUCMN5M6s
- Accept the forum rules
- Message us on the Start Here thread.
- Tell us your full name so we know who you are. Your privacy is protected as this is a private server.
Newsletter. Sand and Steel has a custom-built, high-power newsletter featuring only our best content on training methodology, workout plans, nutrition advice, and CrossFit techniques. If you are only connected to one channel at Sand and Steel, the newsletter is the sine qua non.
Newsletter is the best source to learn about our
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Newsletter Archive
[newsletter_archive show_date =”0″ max =”5″]Instagram features training montage videos of our CrossFit Classes plus periodic tips on our Nutrition Lab. Instagram is great for checking out what our classes look like.
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Facebook features more in-depth articles as compared to Instagram, plus links to original sources so you can read the full story. Our articles are on CrossFit training, physical therapy, nutrition, mobility, and strength training. Facebook also includes our special events.
Facebook is the Forum for Public Discussion and Comments and Videos
YouTube features our longer videos that are optimized for Landscape viewing. These videos are more in depth than our Instagram videos and are excellent ways to get a glimpse of what the gym is up to.
Training Tips, Product Reviews, and Lots of Opinions
Coach Paul Gives It To You Straight
Vimeo features ad-free premium videos. We upload only our best, highest quality video footage to vimeo. It’s yours free nor subscription required. No subscription required.
Our Best Videos are Featured on Vimeo
Smugmug is where we upload all of our pictures and videos we take during class. You can download raw and unedited pictures and videos here. Plus you upload your own photos and videos here.
SmugMug is all About you and your Journey
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