Personal Training Certifications
Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology – George Mason University
Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) – NSCA
- Certified Personal Trainer – NASM
- Registered Yoga Teacher, RYT 200 – Yoga Alliance
- Certified Nutrition Coach – NASM
- CrossFit Programming
- First Aid/CPR/AED Certified
My goal for my clients is to help them achieve a better, happier, and more productive life in which they feel better, are healthier, have better overall functionality, and to life in better balance. Witnessing people I work with with making progress and achieve results they desire, brings me an abundance of joy that words might not justifiably be able to describe. I especially love working with clients who are trying to lose weight/gain muscle, get through and past pains and dysfunctional movement patterns, increase their mobility, achieve new PRs, reach new heights of physical capability, and improve their overall health & quality of life. I also have a not so guilty pleasure of loving getting to know people and hearing about their lives and backstories.
My Experience: I have over a year and a half of professional health, fitness, & rehab experience in a variety of settings that have included a weight loss gym for people over 40, a physical therapy clinic, an athletic performance facility, and a box gym. I have worked with a variety of clients ranging from people aged 70+, to youth under the age of 13. I have worked with individuals 1 on 1, in small groups, along with in group fitness mobility and yoga classes.
My Fitness Journey: I have always loved exercise, sports, and physcial activity. In my early childhood I was skinny, and told by my doctor I needed to gain weight as a tween. At the age of 15, I was put on meds for something unrelated, and subjected to side effects that caused my appetite to increase and my weight. I started 2013 weighing 125 lbs and ended the year at almost 200 lbs, had a best Fall HS Cross Country 5k time that was almost 7 minutes slower than my PR set the previous year, all while training for High School Track & Field and Cross Country (note the picture is actually of me in my Freshman year of college, even though I’m wearing what had been my High School Track & Field singlet), which involved running several miles, multiple days a week. During almost the entirety of that year, I was also on metformin. My parents actually took me to a medical doctor because of the weight gain I was experiencing.
Refusing to cross over the 200 lb mark, by May 2014, I managed to drop my body weight down to under 175. In the fall I was somewhere in the 150s/160s and beat my 5k PR from 2 years prior.
Following 2 years of college in studying majors that dissatisfied me, and a lot of soul searching, I declared Kinesiology (the study of body movement) as my major, combining my love for physical activity, my passion for helping others, and excitement for health & wellbeing. I never looked back and do what I do because I love doing it, and love helping others transform the quality of their lives & health.
Between around June and around October during the COVID-19 pandemic, I managed to drop my body fat percentage by a value of roughly 5%. In quarantine, I stayed physically heand lead zoom workouts for a group of my college peers.
In 2021 I decided I didn’t just want to get leaner, but I also wanted to get bigger. In 6 months since deciding this (based on In-Body readings which tend to be pretty accurate) I’ve so far gained roughly 10 lbs of muscle. My goal for 2021 is to try to get to as close to 100 lbs of muscle on my body as I can, which would require me to add a bit more than 10 more lbs. Is this likely to happen: probably not, especially since I’ve been lifting for years, but I always make it a point to shoot for my goals regardless of the odds, and see how far I can go. I put a picture of where I am compared to February as of August, even if the February picture isn’t as good a quality as I’d like.
To this day I enjoy pick up and recreational sports whenever I can, achieving my fitness goals, and helping others achieve their goals. I have also been skiing since I was 5 years old.
This is a good exercise to do for your chest & shoulders, especially after sitting at a desk for the greater portion of a day. This is also a common mobility exercise that I will use with my clients.
Adam's Certifications
Fun Facts
- I’m a lifelong Washington Capitals fan. For baseball I’m a dual Dodgers and Nationals fan (family comes from Los Angeles)
- In my free time I enjoy anything from whatever pick up/organized sports I can participate in, games of any kind, watching a good action or comedy, working out, reading, finding new ways to have fun, or hanging out with my wonderful friends
- If I could choose to have any super power it would probably be Telekinesis
- I listen to whatever music gets me going. I don’t have any particular favorite bands or artists.
- If asked what my favorite food is, I might give different answers on different days.