Green Onions, Bacon, & Mushrooms
Meal Type: Veggies
Meal: Dinner
Cleanliness: 9/10
Nutrition summary:
- Good Sugar to Fiber ratio.
- Calorie Density: Low.
- High in selenium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus.
Ingredients for one Serving:
4 green onions chopped
3 strip of bacon
1 Cup fresh mushrooms, sliced
1 TBL cup dry white wine
pinch of salt
pinch of pepper
smidge of garlic powder
1/2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
Cook the bacon and using the fat, cook the onions. Then add the rest of ingredients together and cook on low for 20-30 minutes until the mushrooms cook.
Calories 154
- From Protein 25% 40 Cal
- From Fat: 60% 90 Cal
- From Carbohydrate 17% 26.8 Cal
Protein 10g
Total Fat 10g
- Saturated 3.3g
- Polyunsaturated 1.2g
- Omega-3 43.8g
- Omega-6 988.8mg
- Monounsaturated 4.5g
Total Carbohydrate 6.7g
- Dietary Fiber 2.1g
- Starch 0g
- Sugars 2.7g
- Calcium 48.4 mg
- Iron 1.4mg
- Magnesium 25.8mg
- Phosphorus 250.5mg
- Potassium 652.2mg
- Sodium 571.2mg
- Zinc 2.3mg
- Copper 0.4mg
- Manganese 0.1mg
- Selenium 38mcg