In the Beyond Stretch Private Mobility Sessions and Classes, we use methodology from FRC / Kinstretch, and Mobility WOD / Ready State to improve flexibility, strengthen end-range of motion, and build resistance to injury. But what does a Beyond Stretch “Flow” look like? Below, we’ve provided many example Beyond Stretch Flows based on Functional Range Conditioning and Kinstretch methodology.
These Kinstretch-based flows are extremely powerful when cued and performed correctly. So enjoy them.
If you want to improve your mobility, you need to work on it a minimum of 2 hours a week. Like anything else from running to powerlifting, you need to put in the work if you want the results.
Coach Paul on Mobility
This is an advanced-level article. So if you are not familiar with some of our terminology on this post, please search our website for “Beyond Stretch” to learn the basics.
Shoulder Cars
- Traps: Level 1, 2, and 3 (use PVC and Rotation for Level 3)
- Elbows: Level 1, 2, and 3 (use lacrosse balls for level 2 and a band for level 3)
- Scapula: Level 1 and Level 3 (using light weight plates or dumbells)
- T-Spine: Level 1
- Shoulders: Level 1
Shoulder Flexion Stretch
Single Arm Shoulder Flexion with PVC
- Passive Stretch
- Pails
- Rails
- Rotations
- Hinges
- Eccentric Neural Grooving (use your trunk), Lift Off
Prone Shoulder Flexion Using Wedge
- Stretch
- Pails
- Rails
- Rotations
- Hinges
- Lift Offs
Shoulder Extension
- Stretch is based on the German Hang. Position a PVC on a wedge behind your back in tall kneeling. Add yoga blocks as needed.
- Pails
- Rails
- Lift Offs
Olympic Ring Rotation
- Strap: Pails & Rails in external rotation and interanal rotation.
- Band: Use a Band to rep end range strength
Weight Plate Rotation
- Use a 45 or 65 pound plate on rubber floor, practice external rotation
- Passive Stretch
- Pails
- Rails
- Lift offs
Wrist CARS
- Wrist Rotations: Level 1, 2, and 3 (use Lacrosse Ball for Level 2, and your other hand for Level 3)
- Elbows: Level 1, 2, and 3 (use lacrosse balls for level 2 and a band for level 3)
Lion Pose Stretch
- Passive Stretch
- Pails
- Rails
- Lift Offs
PVC Seated Rotations
Internal and External Shoulder Rotation can be strengthened from a seated position using PVC to create or resist Rotation. The opposite or gravity provides the leverage
- Standing T-Spine Rotation with PVC. Pails Rails, liftoffs
- Sphinx Pose for Trap Extension
- Brettzel for Lumbar Rotation
- Scorpion Stretch for T-Spine Rotation
Hip Flow 1
- Hips
- Shins
- Ankles
- Lumbar Spine
- 90/90 Front External Rotation: Stretch, Pails, Rails, Stretch, Active Lift Off, Active Release Hold
- 90/90 Front Abduction: Stretch, Pails, Rails, Active Lift Off, Passive Lift Off
- 90/90 Rear Internal Rotation: Stetch, Pails, Rails, Stretch, Active Lift Off, Eccentric Neural Grooving.
- 90/90 Rear Abduction Rotation: Active Lift off, Active Lift off with Hip Extension
- ISOMP to Squat: Calf Stretch Left, Hip Opener, Hip Adduction, Calf Right
- ISOMP to 90/90. ROS
- ISOMP to ButterFly
- Straddle: Stretch, Pails, Rails, Left Front Lift Off, Right Lift Off
- Seated Fold: Stretch, Pails, Rails, Quad Extension, Lift offs
- Dead Pigeon: Bound Stretch, Knee Adduction, Assisted Rotation with hands, Active Range Hold base leg removes support.
- Dead Pigeon: ROS
- Uttanasna
Hip Flow 2
- Neck Cars
- Thoracic Cars
- Lumbar Cars
- Hip Cars
- Shin Cars
- Ankle Cars
90/90 Pose – left leg front– 10 Minutes
- Passive Stretch Stretch (sternum faces Right Rear Leg)
- Passive Stretch PAILS RRL
- Passive Stretch RAILS RRL
- kinetic stretch with left leg in front, pulling upper body down, pushing upper body back up (doing this kinetic stretch exercise for about 1-2 min)
- kinetic stretch towards LRL, rotation
- fold over, passive stretch, hold for 30 seconds. Shake it out, switch sides
- passive range lift off, lift arms off and hold
90/90 Pose – right leg front– 10 Minutes
- Passive Stretch Stretch (sternum faces Right Rear Leg)
- Passive Stretch PAILS RRL
- Passive Stretch RAILS RRL
- kinetic stretch with left leg in front, pulling upper body down, pushing upper body back up (doing this kinetic stretch exercise for about 1-2 min)
- kinetic stretch towards LRL, rotation
- fold over, passive stretch, hold for 30 seconds. Shake it out, switch sides
- passive range lift off, lift arms off and hold
Butterfly Pose – Groin mobility, improving hip abduction – 8 Minutes
- Passive stretch, pressing thighs down with elbows
- PAILS and RAILS in butterfly (trying to close legs, arms push back, then drawing knees down)
- Kinstretch in butterfly
Spine – 12 Minutes – Round out the Class
- In Sphinx Pose -Thoracic Spine Extension PAILS, RAILS
- Neck lateral Flexion from tall kneeliing or a bench: PAILS, RAILS – left and right
- Neck Flexion from tall kneeling: PAILS, RAILS
Partner Stretches
- Hip Opener
- Client is in squat
- Trainer on back and use legs to push open hips
- Thread the Needle
- PVC Shoulder
- Partner puts PVC behind back
- Trainer pulls back on PVC with hands foot to back