September Tag Us Winner Announced

To all of our members that posted and tagged us Instagram, we thank you.   Your support helps us buy new equipment, find new coaches, and keep our prices down.  So many of you posted such great things on social media this month, and we thank you!  But there needs to be a winner, and we owe someone $50.

Second Place Winner is Alicia & Aiden

Thank you so much for this amazing post.  Both of you have putting in the time in Open Gym, and you are both looking amazing.  Please see Paul to claim your $25 gift card.

First Place Winner is Amanda

Fitness Classes CrossFit ResultsIf we wanted to explain to new members, why you should join Sand and Steel, we cannot do any better than what @mandiefit has done in this one picture.  Yes, you are going to look better.  But more than that, you are going to feel better.  You are going to have more self-confidence.  You’ll see yourself getting stronger and losing weight.  While at the same time, learning all the technique for powerlifting, Olympic lifting, CrossFit, and Functional Strength training.  Mandie, we are fortunate to have you as a member, and we are proud to hand your $50 gift certificate.

Again, our sincere thanks to everyone that posted in September. Our October Tag Us Promotion is now open. We look forward to seeing everyone in the gym and on Instagram @sandandsteelfitness.

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