The Sun Flow features Inversions, Standing Balances, & Hip Openers. We are practicing one flow each month in our yoga group classes to become progressively better at them. SunFlow is the fifth sequence in FireFlow. Build strength and power with SunFlow Power Yoga.
The Sun Flow
The Sun Salutation is a bedrock practice of the Ashtanga and Rocket Flows. Practiced for a hundred years, Sun Salutations A and B provide an excellent warmup for more advanced sequences. We introduce five more sun salutations in the Sun Flow, each slightly more challenging than the next. The Sun Flow features Inversions, Standing Balances, & Hip Openers.
Why are Sun Salutations good for you?
Sun Salutations are a great cardiovascular exercise benefiting your whole body. The sequence increases your heart rate and regulates the circulatory system. Cardiovascular stimulation can fill your system with fresh oxygenated blood and reduces toxins in the body.
Let’s Talk about Inversions
As mentioned above, the Sun Flow features a couple of challenging Inversions. Inversions are a category of yoga poses that place your head below your hips, therefore inverting your body from its usual upright position. If you have joined a yoga class before you have probably done a couple of inversions already. For example, Downward-Facing Dog is an inversion!Are Inversions Suitable for Beginners?
Yes! Yoga is for everybody – also inversions. Any yoga pose can be modified for beginners and it is helpful to use props and/or a wall to modify inversions. Personally, I want every yoga class to be inclusive and accessible for all levels, so please don’t be scared to join.I want you to know that inversions and arm balances can be challenging and scary but that is the whole point! You want to overcome challenges, get stronger, and reach your goals. Practicing inversions will help you gaining control over your body and letting go of fear.
Coach Ira

Crow Pose
A lot of times Crow Pose is the first arm balance that yogis tackle. Though it looks like it’s all about arm and core strength, the key is to actually learn where your center of gravity is. Once you have figured that out the next challenge is figuring out how to distribute your weight to balance on your hands. It can be scary to move your weight forward into your hands but once you jumped over that hurdle you are mastering the Crow Pose!
Benefits of Crow
Crow Pose tones the abdominal wall, strengthens the core, arms, inner thighs, and wrists. Practicing crow can aid lower back pain and indigestion. Overall crow builds endurance, focus, and confidence!

Forearm Stand
Crow Pose tones the abdominal wall, strengthens the core, arms, inner thighs, and wrists. Practicing crow can aid lower back pain and indigestion. Overall crow builds endurance, focus, and confidence!
The Forearm Stand is a forearm and hands balancing inversion. It is an advanced pose and getting the feel for kicking up can take some time. With practice, you will get to know your body, your center of gravity and you will build your confidence.
Benefits of Forearm Stand
Forearm Stand strengthens the shoulders, arms, core, and back. This pose stretches the chest and shoulders. The Forearm Stand energizes the body and mind, increases balance, improves overall circulation, and stimulates the endocrine system.

Chin Stand
The Chin Stand Pose is an advanced yoga pose that combines an inversion with a backend. This posture may seem exclusive and unachievable, but once you build the strength and mindset you will be floating up to it before you know it!
Benefits of Chin Stand
The Chin Stand Pose strengthens the arms, upper shoulders, biceps, triceps, and neck. This pose improves balance and back flexibility.
Caution: Please do not attempt this pose if you have any neck issues. You want to hold off on trying this inversion until your issues are resolved and the strength is built.
Check Out Yoga Classes with Coach Ira at Sand and Steel Fitness:
See you in class where you can become a master at inversions!
We have plenty of options for Yoga at Sand and Steel!
- Online Private Yoga (Monday-Friday morning)
- Private In-Person Yoga (Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday)
- Group Classes (Thursday, Sunday)