Looking for a meal delivery service that you can just microwave and eat? We’ve eaten hundreds of Territory Foods meals. Here’s our Territory Foods Review review:
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Territory Foods Power Supply – Meal Delivery Service
Aggregate Rating 4.5/10
[skillwrapper type=”bar”] [skill title_background=”#e53020″ bar_foreground=”#e53020″ bar_background=”#eeeeee” percent=”40″ title=”Consistency”] [skill title_background=”#0095DA” bar_foreground=”#0095DA” bar_background=”#eeeeee” percent=”50″ title=”Taste”] [skill title_background=”#0095DA” bar_foreground=”#0095DA” bar_background=”#eeeeee” percent=”40″ title=”Variety”] [skill title_background=”#0095DA” bar_foreground=”#0095DA” bar_background=”#eeeeee” percent=”70″ title=”Customer Service”] [skill title_background=”#61ce70″ bar_foreground=”#61ce70″ bar_background=”#eeeeee” percent=”80″ title=”Health Factor”] [skill title_background=”#e53020″ bar_foreground=”#e53020″ bar_background=”#eeeeee” percent=”40″ title=”Cost”] [/skillwrapper]Features local made healthy alternatives to comfort classics like meatloaf, chicken waldorf, buffalo chicken and more. Territory Foods (originally Power Supply) is a Virginia based company that recently received some funding to make it more of a national brand. Unlike many prepared meal services, Territory Foods are prepared fresh twice a week for you. For most customers, they pick up the meals at a gym such as Sand & Steel Fitness. Their on-line ordering process allows you to pick your meals the week before.
Dawn and Paul Both Prefer
Trifecta Meal Delivery Service
More consistent taste. Ability to order just the sides or just the proteins. Less fat in the meals.
Territory is good, but we like Trifecta more.
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Taste: Very hit or miss. We find some meals to be excellent, and some taste terrible.
Customer Service: Territory Foods is good at accepting returns on their food if a customer doesn’t like it, but they don’t have a strong feedback program. They aren’t really engaged with their customer base like they should be.
Health: How many stars really depends on the standard you are judging by. It’s better than what you’ll get a restaurant for sure. It’s better than most frozen meals. The macros aren’t balanced according to leading ratios (such as zone or precision nutrition). Typically, the fat is way too high, and the kind of fat is mostly saturated.
Convenience: The food spoils quickly (since it’s fresh). If you are very consistent about how you eat, this may save you time. If their food quality was better, it would be much more convenient. Sometimes I have to throw out my meal because it doesn’t taste good, go purchase a second meal (or skip lunch if I don’t have time), and request a refund. That’s not convenient.
Cost: Power Supply Territory Foods costs $8-$12 per meal. So you’ll see a monthly bills of $200-$300. Our customers often find that expensive, but food prices in Virginia are expensive, so you’ll pay that at most places unless you are buying fast food. In Old Town Alexandria, Chipotle, 5 Guys, and Sweet Green are my personal goto destinations.
Bottom Line: Power Supply / Territory Foods doesn’t require long contracts. It’s not difficult to setup. Switching to their meal plan may be enough by itself to help you lose weight if your diet is poor already. If you always skip lunch or breakfast because you are too busy this is a nice option.
Second Thoughts: At Sand & Steel we have a lot of loyal Power Supply Territory Foods Customers. I wouldn’t say any of them absolutely love the food, but most feel like it’s worth it, because without the service they would be eating worse.
And Just a bit of Misleading Advertising
Hey, I am not going to call out Territory Foods for staging their food shots (oh wait, I guess I am). If you look on their website you’ll see beautiful pictures of perfectly crated foods. But when you actually get them delivered… well they don’t quite have the same look. On the plus side, you get the volumes they promise (they don’t skimp on the expensive ingredients.) Companies have been staging their food shots for years, so this shouldn’t be a big deal.
Hi Paul,
Robert, co-founder of Territory here. Glad we had the chance to partner with you all directly in the past and hope all’s well since.
Late last year I moved into a role leading our work on customer engagement/ experience. So have a pretty good perch on both where we’ve been and what’s different, including some areas quite relevant to the experience you shared in your review.
So wanted to share a few updates for you and your members. Thanks for passing along.
**ENGAGEMENT** – I’ll start with the engagement point you mentioned which is close to my heart and daily work. You’ll be glad to know that we’ve really ramped up in this area in the last 6 months. I personally speak with dozens of customers a week and am on pace for 500+ customer feedback conversations this year.
Best capture of this push is this recent blog post (https://blog.territoryfoods.com/our-spring-to-dos-7a863389046f) which shares what we’re working on this quarter and links to the customer dialogue program we started which now has nearly 200 customers signed up to give us regular feedback on new features etc.
Already had a great round in recent weeks where people weighed in on new pausing and rating/review prototypes. Awesome response with lots of detailed react.
This is in addition to some cool improvements we’ve made recently to the day-to-day customer experience including a new platform for support that’s going to enable Live Chat and a lot more self-service info among other things.
**TASTE** – is no doubt a subjective ditty though we actively solicit customer reviews/ratings (3x increase in volume this year based on changes we’ve made to make it easier). Gives us live weekly data on what’s working (thankfully a lot… historically in excess of 4 out of 5 stars), and helps us work directly with chefs to improves what’s not.
Another part of that mix is helping more finely tune the menu to customer preferences. Good stuff going there too recently with the beginning rollout of new tools like easier reviews, a “don’t send me this again” feature, a no-preferences filter to access the full menu, and smart recommendations based on customer activity.
** HEALTH ** – support for the broad spectrum of intentional eaters we support expands all the time. Definitely a balancing act since what works for a low carb/keto eater is very different than a Zone adherent. Across that spectrum we’re working hard to make more tools available (macros on our site, now on meal labels, net carb calcs also, etc.) so folks can more easily find the balances that work well for them.
**FOOD PHOTOGRAPHY** – that’s one we’ve worked on a lot over the years. I.e. this balance of showing the food clearly and also highlighting how it can look it’s best on your place. Here’s where we land on that balance currently. We take the meal from weekly production, send to local photographers freshly prepared on the same timing as we do for customers, and ask them to shoot away. Only difference is we’ll separate out the meal elements so it’s easier for the photographer to arrange on the plate.
So NO to air-brushy photographs of food prepared in a completely different way than what you get. YES to having a talented person with a camera capture our meal’s best side and imagine fun ways to arrange what’s in the container, something we hear from customers they sometimes do as well.
Thanks again for reading/sharing. Always more improvement to make and we’re hard at that work every day. And we’re always open to more react/commentary at [email protected].
Like you we care a lot about the work we do to help people sustain healthy changes in their lives. So we want to dialogue with folks wherever and whenever we can about the latest in our work on that journey which started with two of us in a conference room in Crystal City and now continues with a bunch of committed folks in this area working really hard to provide more options for intentional eaters.
I recently tried Territory Foods. I see it from time to time advertised here and they are actually TERRIBLE FOODS. They completely failed to deliver my meals despite their “technology” saying that it did. When I notified them 3 times, nobody followed up. When you do reach them, they apologize profusely and still fail to solve the problem.
Terrible company. Horrible customer service. Avoid avoid avoid
We appreciate you sharing your experience. Our current favorite meal prep company is Purple Carrot.