Paul on Yoga. Paul on Yoga. Through my practice of Yoga, I have mastered techniques like the handstand and forearms balances. Yoga has brought me strength that I could never develop from weight lifting alone. When I teach private yoga lesson, I customize the lesson to the individual. Unlike other teachers who force you to conform to their program, we write a program designed for you.
When I started learning about yoga, I found it very difficult to find approachable poses. Below are some common poses I use in the Standing balance category. You will also find 4 sample flows I wrote for 4 different customers.
Extremely Effective Yoga Poses and Asanas for Strength and Power Athletes.
Yoga Flows and Sequences
Yoga Poses and Asanas for Strength and Power Athletes
Sanskrit Name | English Name 1 | English Name 2 | Pose Type 1 | Pose Type 2 | Primary Benefit | Secondary Benefit | Commonality | Difficulty | Importance | Scaling Tips | Pronunciation | Etymology | References |
Garudasna | Eagle Pose | Standing | Yes | Shoulder Opener | Hip Opener | Uncommon | Intermediate | Low | gah-rue-DAHS-anna | garuda = bird of prey | Yoga Anatomy. P90-92 | ||
Natarajasana | King of the Dancers Pose | Standing | Backbend | Quadriceps and Hip Flexor Stretch | Heart Opener | Common | Intermediate | Medium | not-ah-AHS-anna | nata = dancer; raja = king | Yoga Anatomy. P93-95 | ||
Utkatasana | Chair Pose | Awkward Pose | Standing | Ankle Mobility | Shoulder Mobility | Very Common | Intermediate | High | OOT-Kah-TAHS-anna | utkah = awkward | Yoga Anatomy. P78-79 | ||
Uttanasana | Standing Forward Bend | Standing Forward Fold | Standing | Forward Bend | Lower Back Mobility | Hamstring Mobility | Ubiquitous | Beginner | Essential | OOT-tan-AHS-anna | ut = Intense tan = stretch | Yoga Anatomy. P80-81 | |
Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana | Extended Hand to Toe Pose | Standing | Hamstring Mobility | Hip Stability | Common | Expert | Low | oo-TEE-tah HA-sta pad-an-goosh-TAHS-anna | utthita = extended; hasta = hand; pada = foot; angusta = big toe | Yoga Anatomy. P82-85 | |||
Virabhadrasna I | Warrior I | Warrior Pose A | Standing | Strength | Leg Conditioning | Hip Extension | Ubiquitous | Beginner | Essential | veer-ah-bah-DRAHS-anna | virabhadra = warrior | Yoga Anatomy. P95-99 | |
Virabhadrasna II | Warrior II | Warrior Pose B | Standing | Mobility | Hip Mobility | Leg Conditioning | Ubiquitous | Beginner | Essential | veer-ah-bah-DRAHS-anna | virabhadra = warrior | Yoga Anatomy. P100-102 | |
Virabhadrasna III | Warrior III | Warrior Pose C | Standing | Balance | Posture Control | Unilateral Balance | Very Common | Intermediate | Medium | Wall | veer-ah-bah-DRAHS-anna | virabhadra = warrior | Yoga Anatomy. P103-104 |
Vrkasana | Tree Pose | Standing | Hip Opener | Balance | Leg Strength | Ubiquitous | Beginner | Medium | Wall | Vrik-SHAS-anna | vrksa = Tree | Yoga Anatomy. P86-89 | |
Utthita Parsvakonasana | Extended Side Angle Pose | Standing | Strength | Leg Strength | Twisting | Very Common | Beginner | High | Blocks | oo-Tee-tah marsh-vah-cone-AHS-anna | utthita = extended; parsva = side; kona = angle | Yoga Anatomy. P105-107 | |
Parivrtta Baddha Parsvakonasa | Revolved Side Angle Pose | Standing | Twisting | Strength | Twisting | Uncommon | Medium | High | Use a strap or towel if you can clasp hands | par-ee-VRIT-tah BAH-dah marsh-vah-cone-AHS-anna | parivrtta =twist or revolved; buddha = bound; parsva = side; kona = angle | Yoga Anatomy. P108-110 | |
Utthita Trikonasana | Extended Triangle Pose | Standing | Hamstring Mobility | Twisting | Very Common | Beginner | Essential | Blocks | oo-TEE-tah trio-cone-AHS-anna | utthita = extended; tri = three; kona = angle | Yoga Anatomy. P110-114 | ||
Parivrtta Trikonasana | Revolved Triangle Pose | Standing | Twisting | Thoracic Mobility | Hamstring Mobility | Uncommon | Intermediate | Medium | Blocks | par-ee-VRIT-tah trio-cone-AHS-anna | parivrtta =twist or revolved; tri = three; kona = angle | Yoga Anatomy. P114-116 | |
Parsvottanasana | Intense Side Stretch | Standing | Forward Bend | Hamstring | Common | Easy | High | Strap behind ankle | parsh-voh-tahn-AHS-anna | parsva = side; ut = intense; tan = stretch | Yoga Anatomy. P117-119 | ||
Prasarita Padottanasana | Spread Foot Intense Pose | Standing | Forward Bend | Lower Back Mobility | Hamstring Mobility | Common | Easy | High | Use blocks to get hands to the floor. | pra-sa-REE-tah-pah-doh-tahn-AHS-anna | prasarita = spread; pada = foot; ut = intense; tan = stretch; | Yoga Anatomy. P121-122 | |
Upavesana | Garland Pose, Malasana | Prying Squat | Standing | Hip Opener | Hip Opening | Build Squat Mobility | Uncommon | Medium | Essential | Use a TRX Suspension Trainer or Band to provide support | oo-pah-ve-SHAS-anna | upavesa=sitting down | Yoga Anatomy. P123-125 |
Padmasana | Lotus Pose | Sitting | Hip Opener | Hip Mobility | Common | Expert | Medium | pod-MAHS-anna | padma = lotus | ||||
Dandasana | Staff Pose | Sitting | Forward Bend | Common | Beginner | Low | dan-DAHS-anna | danda = stick | Yoga Anatomy. P130-131 | ||||
Paschimottanasana | Seated Forward Bend | Sitting | Forward Bend | Hamstrings | Lower Back | Very Common | Beginner | Medium | Use a Strap | POS-chee-moh-tan AHS-anna | Pascha = behind; ut = intense; tan = stretch | Yoga Anatomy. P132-133. |