We Welcome ALL People
One Gym, One Community, One People
♥ All Cultures ♥ All Religions ♥ All Genders ♥ All LGBTQ ♥ All Colors ♥ All Ages
Are Welcome at Sand & Steel Fitness
The Policy is simple. We accept no justification for ANY Discrimination, Bullying, or Creating a Poisoned Workout Environment. Any member or employee found to be in violation of this policy IN OR OUT OF SAND AND STEEL FITNESS will have their membership canceled or employment status terminated.
It’s not OK… not now… not ever.
Discrimination: treating people differently, negatively, or adversely because of: race, color, ancestry, place of origin, political belief, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, or physical or mental disability.
Bullying: attacking and diminishing another by subjecting a person to unjustified criticism and/or trivial fault-finding, humiliating the recipient (especially in front of others), and/or ignoring, overruling, isolating, and excluding the recipient.
Poisoned Workout Environment: is behavior that creates a hostile or offensive place to work out. Examples include sexual, racial or religious insults or jokes, or abusive treatment of a member or an employee.