Senior Personal Trainer
Personal Trainer Certifications:
- American Council of Exercise – Certified Personal Trainer
- National Academy of Sports Medicine – Corrective Exercise Specialist
My Fitness Journey: Four years ago when I was a General Manager for Domino’s Pizza, our supervisor challenged the managers to a fitness resolution. At the time, I was a smoker, over-weight and sick with the what I saw in the mirror. What started as a nightly routine of working out after my job and incorporating healthy eating habits turned into a calling. In four years time, I’ve managed to quit smoking and lose over 85 pounds. My health transformation led me to my transition into the fitness and wellness industry. I specialize in building and improving functional movement patterns and preventing injuries. As a fitness coach, my strategy is to improve both your fitness and quality of life.

Articles by Coach Max

Frozen Shoulder Exercises
Join Coach Max as he reviews the top six videos frozen shoulder exercises and stretches that can be performed at home. Plus get a sneak peak as we take you through our strategy of tracking down shoulder pain to see if frozen shoulder exercises will help. Finally, you can join Coach Paul as he provides you a live video on his favorite ten cable machine exercises for strengthening the shoulder.

Max Rand – Senior Coach
Personal Training Certifications
- NASM – Corrective Exercise Specialist
- ACE – Certified Personal Trainer