Driving to Sand and Steel Fitness? Walking from or Parking in the Van Dorn Metro? Taking the AT-7 Bus? Review our Quick Guide and Video to Make your Workout Stress Free.
Parking Guide at Sand & Steel Fitness
We understand that convenient parking for a fitness gym is important. Our members are busy people. So we have put together this parking guide so that you can into and out of your personal training, Yoga, or CrossFit class quickly and easily.

Do We Have Free Parking?
Yes. We have free parking for members right outside the door.
How Much Parking is There?
There are about 150 spots shared amongst 10 ten tenants in the complex.
Can You Show Me a Map of Where I Can Park?
- Orange is free parking for members. Note, you can park on all side of our building — even the back near the Worx and Bikram.
- Green Circle is Eisenhower Metro Parking. Parking is free on weekends!
- The walkway from the Metro parking lot to Sand and Steel is shown in Red. It is a 4 minute walk
Do you have Overflow Parking?
Yes, we have overflow parking for members. For more information on our overflow parking, please join our Discord server. You’ll also be emailed information about our overflow parking when you join.
How Does Metro Parking Work?
There is a simple parking lot where you use your metro card. Sometimes at very peak times (like Saturday at 10AM) our parking lot can get quite crowded. So if you cannot easily find a spot, just head over to the Metro.
Where is the Metro Parking Lot Entrance?
Pearson Ln & Metro Rd. Alexandria VA
What About Bus Routes?
The AT-7 Bus stop at Van Dorn Metro is a one minute walk.
EASTBOUND: view schedule
Landmark Mall to Nannie J. Lee Center via Old Town Alexandria
WESTBOUND: view schedule
Nannie J. Lee Center to Landmark Mall via Eisenhower Avenue