Attention Personal Trainers — Looking for some conditioning workouts for your personal training clients? We’ve got your hook up here. Here’s 10 amazing personal trainer conditioning workouts that you can do with your client.
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Personal Trainer Conditioning Workouts Alexandria VA.
This particular program utilizes a 3 day split so it’ s optimized for 3 days on, one day off. It incorporates a good amount of body weight movements to help build stabilizers. It’s a balanced workout program in terms of building strength while still maintaining conditioning as the primary goal. An excellent program for all new years resolutions. As with any program, we highly recommend getting a FMS/YBT screen to determine any potential problems with movement patterns or muscle recruitment.
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Personal Training Conditioning Workouts Alexandria VA Workout (1)
Chest and Triceps I, Strength I
3 Rounds- Rotating Hub (Pick 3):
- 30” Hub Low MedBall Hold,
- Medball Pushup 20,
- Rolling Medball Pushup 30,
- Dual Medball Pushup 30
- Chatarunga hold
- Dolphin pose
- Handstand hold
Spoke: Archer Pushups on rings 20
Spoke: Dips 6 in 20 second lockout
Spoke: Tate Press 15
Rip Trainer: 10-1 Walk back and forth chest press
Rip Trainer: 10-1 Walk back and forth Canoe Row
Personal Training Conditioning Workouts Alexandria VA Workout (2)
Back, Biceps, and Legs I
10-1 (Reps/Set)
- Safety Squat #205
- Safety Squat Good Morning #135
- KB 1 Leg Deadlift 44# into 1 Arm Row
Personal Training Conditioning Workouts Alexandria VA Workout (3)
Chest and Triceps II
3 Rounds
- 20 Crosscore 180 press and pushups
- 30 Sandbell chest press
- 12/12 Rip trainer plyo Hockey Press
- 2 Laps CrossFit Crawl
- 12 Ballast ball dumbbell press
3 Rounds
- 45 seconds Banded Press Down
- 45 seconds Low Chest Fly
Personal Training Conditioning Workouts Alexandria VA Workout (4)
Back and Legs II
7 Rounds
- 10/10 Split Safety Squat #205
- 15 Orange ET Power Lunge
4 Rounds
- Jacob’s Ladder 200ft
- Spin Bike ¼ mile
- 20 SandBall Shoulder Cleans 40#
Personal Training Conditioning Workouts Alexandria VA Workout (5)
Back and Biceps III
3 Rounds
- 10 Heavy Pull Down Straightbar
- Erg 300 M
3 Rounds
- Sphere Pronated Pull Down (on elevated bosu)
- Sphere Pushdown
- Dumbbell Curls
3 Rounds
- Barbell Jerks 12
- 5 Ring Muscle-ups
Personal Training Conditioning Workouts Alexandria VA Workout (6)
Chest and Triceps IV
3 Rounds
- 15 Dumbbell swiss ball press #40
- 20 Bosu Pushups
- 12 Ring Dips
- 12 Dumbbell JM Press
Personal Training Conditioning Workouts Alexandria VA Workout (7)
Back and Biceps IV
4 Rounds
- 12 Lat Pull Down
- 90” Infinity Rope Pulley Pulldown
4 Rounds
- 25 Deadlift
- 12 Bent Over Row
4 Rounds
- 10 Triangle Face Pull with Band
- 10 Preacher Curl
Personal Training Conditioning Workouts Alexandria VA Workout (8)
Biceps, Back, and Chest V
6 Rounds:
- Dumbbell Floor Press 8 Wide, 8 Neutral, 8 V-Shape (increasing weight to max)
- Alternate: Kneeling rope pull 10 laps; Kneeling Rope Pull down 10; Alternating Tricep rope press 90 seconds
3 Rounds
- 10 Valslide 1 Arm pushups per side
- 10 Valside Chest Flys
- 30 Lat muscle up pull down (90#)
- 40 GHD Situps
Personal Training Conditioning Workouts Alexandria VA Workout (9)
Back, Biceps, and Legs V
3 Rounds
- 2 x Rip Trainer PitchFork Plyo 20/20 with 30” hold
- Dumbbell Snatch 10/10 into Lunge
3 Rounds
- Rip Trainer Back Stab 20 in 30” with 30” hold
- Two Hand Anyhow 15 Each side
3 Rounds
- 30 Two hand Toe KB Touch
- 20 Dumbbell Curls
Personal Training Conditioning Workouts Alexandria VA Workout (10)
Chest and Arms Triceps VI
5 Rounds
- 45S L/R Rope 1 Arm Pushdow
- 3 Minutes Sled Pull
5 Rounds
- V- Football Bar Bench
- Assault Bike Chest Press
5 Rounds
- 20 Sandbell Pushups
- 20 Standing E/T Curls