Rigid Shop-Vac vs the Dyson Vacuum: Which Cleans Your Gym Better?

Will a Shop-Vac help you keep your gym cleaner than a top of the line home vacuum like a Dyson?  If you own a gym or work in a gym, I am sure you are doing everything you can to keep your gym cleaner and healthier for your members.  We want to do better for our clients, so put down the money to buy a top of the line Rigid Shop Vac for our gym.  Here is what we learned.

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Hello Everyone,
This is Paul with Sand and Steel.
I wanted to introduce to you our brand new shop vac It’s 6 and half horsepower, 16 Gallon Cleaning Machine.
It’s really, really awesome.
I found this rust on the floor this morning.
It’s brand new so it hasn’t really bonded to the floor.
Stuff like this is always a big pain to take out.
This monster though, is amazing at taking anything really from the rubber mats I am going to give you a quick demo.
If you are watching the audio of this part is going to be loud, so might want to lower your volume.
Other than being really, really enormous, shop vacs are also loud.
Which is why you don’t find them in home use.
And the other thing with shop vacs is there are lots and lots of attachments.
This is great for just a little area, but I have something called a beater head, which is really amazing.
All you do is, put the little pole on.
And you attach this guy, this way.
And then I got my whole army of cleaning attachments.
This guy is what is called a beater head.
And it just attaches at the top.
And them boom..you can pretty much get anywhere.
What like about this guy is that it is super maneuverable.
If you ever try to vacuum a gym… there are lots of odd objects that you have go around.
This is really fast.
We got this one for little corners.
I like this one too, it’s really for getting in between dumbbells and kettlebells, and stuff like that.
This man-vac here, is really going to help us keep the floors clean, keep all the objects clean.
And get any dust and stuff that can cause bacteria growth.
The idea is keeping it clean so that everyone can stay healthy here.
So, know that it’s helping you, and if anyone wants a demo… I am happy to show you how it works.
This has been Paul, and I’ll see you guys soon. Bye.


Rigid Shop-Vac vs Dyson Vacuum Showdown

Because a Cleaner Gym is a Better Gym

Biases: Neither Rigid nor Dyson sponsored or contributed to this article in any way.  I really don’t care which vacuum you buy.  If you decide to buy a Shop-Vac and want to support us, here are the Amazon Affiliate links for the vacuums we tested.


First off all, we only tested one brand of Shop Vac and one brand of Vacuum.  That said Rigid and Dyson are some of the biggest names in their respective suction industries.  We bought a super high capacity, Tim-the-Tool-Man Taylor power 6.5 HP Stainless Steel Shop Vac.  Your mileage buying smaller and lower power shop vacs will vary.  Plus, many other companies make Shop Vacs such as Dewalt and Vacmaster.  We didn’t test those variations.  Comparing a Shop Vac to a Dyson is like comparing a warehouse to a penthouse.  They can both cost the same, but one emphasizes function, while the other emphasizes polish.

Rigid Shop Vac Review
Me and My “Man-Vac.” Dust Bunnies Beware!

Negatives: The Rigid Shop Vac uses big hoses that with a pressure clamp.  Changing attachments is clunky but secure.  Assembling the wheel cart was a three hour chore (parts were cheap and they didn’t fit well.)  If you are vacuuming rubber floor mats, you’ll need an expensive accessory called a beater head.  The Shop Vac’s power cord doesn’t retract and it’s way too short.  While they advertise it as a wet / dry vac, you have to swap out an internal filter to switch between each variation.  While a Dyson Vacuum is loud, it’s dwarfed by the noise from a Rigid vacuum.  Your cats and dogs would run to the neighbors.  Pulling a big vacuum along is more annoying that having the motor and bag in an integrated unit.

Positives: The Rigid Vacuum we bought the 16 Gallon / 6.5 HP probably has about twice the suction power of a Dyson.  It’s special beater had is lightning fast around corners allowing to vacuum around exercise equipment in the gym.  It’s so strong, it pulled the duct tape off the floors.  It can pick up small objects and water.

Overall: The increased suction and fast moving and agile beater head allows us to get a cleaner floor in less time.  The numerous brush attachments are great for cleaning up chalk and dust from hard to reach sections.  The Rigid Shop Vacuum with the necessary beater head is more expensive than the Dyson.  It’s much larger in terms of storage (maybe three times the size).

Bottom Line, will it help you keep your gym cleaner?  Yes, the shop vac with the brush attachments and beater head attachment works better for cleaning rubber gym mats.  For the home?  No, it’s more power than you really need.  If you need to vacuum a workshop or garage, then maybe a small one.  On plush carpet, a shop vac will be hard to move, and it’ll probably pull the fibers out of your carpet.

Rigid 6.5 HP Shop Vac Ratings

No Comprise Cleaning Power

Cleaning Strength

It’s Massive – like 2 plyo boxes large

Size & Storage

It’ll Clean Anything You Need.


Cheap materials for the wheels and carriage.  Ours cost upward of $350, but you can definitely find a cheaper solution if you need.


Why Does a Cleaner Floor Matter?

Burpees, pushups, situps, and countless other exercises on done on the floor.  Yoga uses a mat, which goes on the floor.  The floor is where bacteria and fungus love to hang out.  A powerful vacuum sucks them out, and keeps them out.  We opted to get a bag liner and a hepa filter with our bag, so that the dirt and bacteria we vacuum up stays in the machine.  Hepa filters cost more, but then again, it’s better than risking getting sick.  Changing out the filter on a shop vac is straight-forward as compared to a canister vacuum.

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