A positive mindset gives us the courage to start.
But it’s the unbreakable spirit that empowers us to finish.
We are a Team. Pay it forward. Support others. And cherish the Community.
Is CrossFit and Personal Training For you?
The number one thing a new member needs is a positive mindset and the internal desire to improve. External motivations (my husband or father wants me to get in shape) rarely works. Getting in shape requires commitment, consistency, preparation, and an overarching desire to improve oneself.
The number two thing a new member needs is a willingness to embrace the process without being singularly focused on a specific goal. Getting in shape is a dynamic process often involving setback and adjustments to goals as changes in life affects progress. A new member that is singularly focused on a goal like losing 20 pounds often gets discouraged when he or she encounters their first set back.
Make your Weaknesses Your Strengths
- Not a good runner? Neither was I, but I started a trail running class anyway.
- Have the flexibility of a tin man? So did I, but I started practicing yoga so I would improve.
- Unhappy with the way you look? So was I, but I committed to the Weight Loss Challenge.
- Suck at muscle-ups, double unders, etc.? Signup for the Iron Star Games, and we will work on them together.
Scared to try CrossFit? Ten years ago, so was I.
-Paul Roberts
Make 2023 Your Year to Shine
Do you want 2023 to be the year you finally get in shape? Then you need to stand up and fight for it. Success takes more than than showing up. It takes commitment, it takes discipline, and it takes consistency. And when you put in the work and start to see the results, the whole experience might just become fun.
I wish you all an amazing Thanksgiving… get recharged … and come back with a positive mindset. Because I have a bucket of fun waiting for you when you get back!
My Goals for 2022 are:
✔ Run a half marathon (I ran 4 of them).
✔ Lose 20 pounds
✔ Complete every obstacle in a Spartan Race
✔ Master the double under
✔ Chain toes to bar
✔ Link muscle-ups
✔ 1100 pound combined deadlift, bench, and squat
🤷 Walk the length of the gym on my hands. Well I still have one month left on this one.
-Coach Paul