Learn the Pose Method of Running from a Running Coach

Learn the Pose Method of Running from a Running Coach and Personal Trainer. Prevent Running Injuries by learning the technique, drills, and methods of Pose.  The Pose Method is a technical approach for correcting running faults.  E.g. a systematic approach to building proper running form.  Many of the injuries that people experience come from making technical mistakes in their running gait.  This articles covers how to execute the Pose Method.  The article also covers how to Perform the Various Exercises of Pose Running.  Finally, the article discusses how to analyze your running form using your iPhone.

The Pose Method for Running breaks the gait into 3 components: the pose, the fall, and the pull.  The author of this post, Paul Roberts is a Pose running coach and personal trainer.  He will explain how he uses the pose method to analyze a runner’s positioning in each of these positions.  Strength training for runners can be used to improve stability in these positions.  Flexibility for runners can be used to build range of motion to properly get into these positions.  In addition, the pose method coach also use software to analyze the number of frames (as in frames per second) that occur in between the fall to landing.  In addition, a pose running coach also analyzes how many camera frames occur from the landing to the pull into pose.  Based on the observations of the pose running coach, the running coach can provide specific exercises like the Timber drill, Fall from Support, Clasped Arm Run, etc. to correct the patterns.

Looking for a Good Treadmill for Running?
Simon Niklaus has rounded up 5 excellent treadmills with a 400lb capacity.

YouTube video

The Pose Method to Improve Running Efficiency

Unlike many other running certifications, the Pose Method is about running form.  Too many running coaches just focus on programming — often because they don’t know to teach technique.  Pose running is that technique.  Nicholas Romanov’s posits (and legitimately) defends that his method of running (Pose Method) is more efficient than other methods.  He points to many world champions that naturally run in his method (like Ussain Bolt), who didn’t even seek out his services.  Having worked at Pose myself for a long time, I always felt it took more energy than my natural stride.  But when I was first researching the Pose Method and I watched myself on camera — I had just about every running fault there is.  No wonder I would get injured so frequently.

The Pose Method of Proper Running Form is Hard for Some People

I’ll admit, the pose method is hard for some people to do.  When I first started, I was able to execute it, but it took a lot of energy.  When I started, I ran slower doing pose. I had to focus while doing it.

After three years of practicing it, I can now maintain that form for 2-3 hours depending on the terrain. When I run in pose, I am running more smoothly and more easily.

Do I Recommend the Pose Method Overall?

100%.  I don’t think it can be argued that the pose method is probably the safest method of running ever documented.  I have read many books published by Nicholas and other running experts.

Pose Running is a great method of running because it reduces injuries associated with running. As I mentioned, I have been running in the Pose method for three years. I have not had even one running related injury in that time.

Switching to Pose Will Be Hard

You’ll run slower when you start. You’ll use more energy. Most people get injured from running because their natural form is unsafe. Pose is the way, but mobility training is the cure. You need both.

When you start, you won’t be able to maintain the form at your top speed. It’s just like CrossFit. It takes a lot of practice to execute exercises at high speed and high intensity. Running is no different.

My Advice to You

SLOW DOWN and run correctly.  Put the time and energy needed to correct your form. You’ll learn to love running again.

Pose as a Coach

The Pose Method is powerful because it gives the coach the tools, drills, and analytical framework to analyze running form and make corrections. That’s what I am going to share with you today.

The 3 Positions of Pose Running


YouTube video

  1. Pass through the running pose. Pose.
  2. Fall from support. Fall.
  3. Pull foot off the ground. Pull.

Prevent Injuries, Run Faster, Run Longer.

  1. If you want to prevent injuries, focus on hitting the pose.
  2. If you want to run faster, think about falling. Stride length is an effect of faster running, it’s not the cause.
  3. If you want to run longer, you must increase your cadence. Increasing your cadence is direct effect of how fast your pull. The average runner has a cadence of 165 steps per minute. But the average isn’t so good. 180 SPM is the gold standard for running. The difference between 165 steps per minute and 180 steps per minute is a change of up to 50% better mechanical efficiency and a 20% decrease in oxygen consumption. Want to run longer, pull more frequently.

The Anatomy of the Stride

YouTube video

The Fall

Running coaches from uncharted performance discus where falling ends and [ulling begins.

YouTube video

The Pull

Running coaches from the Pose method discuss the mechanics of the pull

YouTube video

Videos Analysis for Pose Running

YouTube video

Seven Point Analysis

Pause the video once your left foot hits the ground

  1. Initial Contact
    1. How far ahead of your body is your foot on initial contact?
    2. The foot should be under your body not in front.
  2. Trailing Leg
    1. Should be close to the body as well.
    2. The further behind it is the worse it is. The training will swing further back to counter-balance an initial foot to far forwards.
  3. Frame Analysis 1 – Time to Enter Pose
    1. Support leg contacts the ground.
    2. Advance the Video Frame by Frame until you reach the Running Pose
      1. 1 Frame is great
      2. 2 Frames is pretty good
      3. 3 Frames or more indicates a flaw in your technique
  4. Frame Analysis 2 – Time to Pull
    1. Trail leg passes through pose
    2. Advance the Video Frame by Frame until you reach the heel of the support leg leave the ground
      1. 1 Frame is great
      2. 2 Frames is pretty good
      3. 3 Frames or more indicates a flaw in your technique
  5. Frame Count Would Be
    1. 4 | 5 for example.
  6. Identify your Body Position in the Running Pose
    1. Are you completely vertical? You should be.
    2. If you are leaning forward already, then you are entering the running pose late.
  7. Fall Angle
    1. Advance the video frame by until your swing leg passes the knee of your support leg
    2. The maximum fall potential is 22.5 degrees. If you arrive late to the pose position, you are forfeiting falling time/distance. Forfeiting falling time decrease efficiency.
  8. Pulling Timing
    1. You should begin pulling from the trailing leg the moment your swing leg passes the knee of your support leg.
    2. You should see your foot begin to lift off from the ground (initially show as plantar flexion of the support leg) as soon as the swing leg passes the support leg.
  9. Steps per Minute
    1. 180 Steps per minute is the gold standard.

Before and After Pose Running

YouTube video

CrossFit on Pose

Brian MacKenzie of Power Speed Endurance teaches pretty much the same method as Nicholas Romanov. I recommend that you watch these ultra low budget videos, because the information is very good. Brian presents the information in a very straight forward manner and this serves as double check to make sure you have understood everything in this article.

• Running Drills With Brian MacKenzie: Part 1

• Running Drills With Brian MacKenzie: Part 2

• Running Drills With Brian MacKenzie: Part 3

• Running Drills With Brian MacKenzie: Part 4

• Running Drills With Brian MacKenzie: Part 5

• Running Drills With Brian MacKenzie: Part 6

Coaching Pose in a CrossFit Class

I understand that coaching the pose method can be overwhelming … there is so much to learn. So for my Coaches and OnRamp members, I have put together a How to Coach Pose in a CrossFit Class. It’s available for free, just request it via Google Docs. You’ll let me know who you are in the message (I probably won’t recognize [email protected].) Or hit me on Discord and I’ll share the link.

Pose Running Drills

  1. 2 foot hops in ‘S’ springiness body position (elasticity)
  2. Pose Stance (body position, alignment, balance)
  3. Change of Support (unweighting, elasticity, pull to Pose)
  4. Hop in Place (pulling, elasticity, alignment)
  5. Pony (minimal change of support, elasticity, unweighting)
  6. Front Lunge (pull with hamstring, lean, elasticity)
  7. Double Lunge with Switches (Pose body position, coordination)
  8. Forward Change of Support (Falling and changing support)
  9. Pose Skips (elasaticity, timing, relaxation)
  10. Forward Pony (Falling, minimal change of support)
  11. Forward Lunge (Pulling, timing)

Mobility and Flexibility For Runners

We offer Beyond Stretch and mobility training service to improve a runner mobility.  We offer Personal Training to build the requisite strength for runners. To run pose well, you need very strong hamstrings, strong balance, and flexible quadriceps.  In our private sessions: we evaluate how you are running use frame by frame video analysis.  We then pick specific stretches, strength drills, or pose drills to improve your technique.

  • Exercises for hamstring strength may include: valslide sliders, hamstring curls, Hip Thrusts, Frog Pumps, GHD Hamstring Curls
  • Yoga Asanas good running include: Dancer, tree, Warrior 1, Warrior 3, Cow Pose
  • Stretches for Quadriceps may include: MWOD Couch Stretch, Battlestar Roll, Hero Pose, Bow Pose, Runners stretch
  • Pose Drills: Timber Drill, Pose Position, Change of support
  • Pose Drills for Falling: Body Weight Perception in Pose, Hops in Pose, Pony, Foot Tapping, Front Lunge and Change of Support.

Strength Training for Runners

Whether you are planning to run long or run fast, you need strong hamstrings, mobile calves, and a strong core.  Sand and Steel has built out an entire strength training program for runners.  It’s scalable to everyone and you learn to get some great functional training exercises.  We call the program Lower Body Symmetry, and it’s one of the best programs Paul has ever written.

The Running Revolution

This book can be purchased on Amazon for about $20.  It’s a great value clearly written book.  The methods, drills, and tips taught in this book are the same that are presented on the Pose Method Marathon Video Series.  The chapters of the book.  I’m docking a full star on the book review because Romanov doesn’t provide charts for training for races.  The books says that free templates can be downloaded from the website, but that’s not the case.  You can subscribe to the iPhone UberRunning, but that’s not the same thing.  You’ll need to purchase another book or electronic reference to get a chart customized for your running pace to train for a race.

Having had success with this book, I quickly purchased Unbreakable Runner by Murphy, T.J.  I also read Power Speed Endurance by Brian MacKenzie. 

The Marathon Videos

These videos are good in that do a great job in demonstrating the many different drills and faults that are needed to execute the Pose Method on Running.  The videos are poorly organized and much of material is repeated in different playlists.  Videos from various race lengths are repeated.  The decision to used a mixed purpose videos in the same playlists is a pro decision.  In particular, the videos provide training plans for certain length races, while the next video provides information on the Timber Drill.  Let’s be honest, Nicholas Romanov’s work isn’t really focused on training programs for completing races.


The playlist associated with techniques for running on a treadmill was very well done.  I learned how to correct my own running faults, plus how to correct other runners.  The playlist associated with Speed training was pretty weak.  It doesn’t really provide any valuable information for building sprinting speed.  The 5K, 10K, 1/2 marathon, full marathon playlists are just poorly organized.  There should be a video series on pose running techniques and drills by themselves (the beginner playlist provides that to some degree.). There are playlists associated with both strength training for runners and flexibility for runners.  Nicholas Romanov demonstrates these exercises himself.  These programs look OK, but they would be pretty boring today compared to some of the more advanced follow along videos series I have seen.

Pose Running Certification

There aren’t many full Pose Running Certifications.  One of the closest locations is Miami, Fl.  The certification costs about $900.  It’s two days long and has a written exam at the end.

Hiring a Running Coach

We teach running in our Personal Training.  We’ll teach you the Pose method and use frame-by-frame analysis to review your technique.  We’ll select which drills are best for you and teach you to run more efficiently.  The Pose method helps protect you against many of the most common injuries.

Get Started

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