Matt Ervien
Personal Trainer / Overall Fitness
- Trainer 24 hour fitness
- In-home personal training
- Martial Arts
- Stunt professional
“No matter where I look in my life I can see that fitness has always been a part of it. Growing up, I tried to play as many sports as I could (or that my parents would let me) because I loved being active and pushing my physical boundaries to see what I could accomplish. Football, basketball, baseball, soccer, martial arts, and eventually performing stunts in LA, have all given me different experiences on ways to challenge myself physically. I can’t imagine my life without exercise and the enjoyment that it brings to me daily. Here at Sand and Steel, I hope to help others cultivate or even deepen a love for fitness in their own lives.”
-Matt Ervien
“Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty…”
-T. Roosevelt