Beginner Warm-up and Workout Program

Summary of Beginner Workout & Warm-up

Building beginner level programming can be challenging. Here’s a sample exercise workout that we’ve used with great success with hundreds of clients.

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This beginner workout program focuses on rear deltoid and trapezious engagement, adductor engagement, glute engagement, and dynamic core control.  If you haven’t worked out for a while, doing this exercise routine will help build neuromuscular control in the four key areas that cause injury.  When any of these four areas aren’t working well, compensation occurs.  Compensation leads to joint inflammation and wear.  Compensation also increases the risk for tendon and muscle damage based on the compensating muscles.

Equipment for Warm-up
Exercise Band
Plyo Box

All of these movements can be classified as Beginner Warm-up meaning that they double as a warm-up exercise.  When performed in the suggested exercise sequence (below), they double as a workout program as well.  Warmups are a critical part of improve muscle plasticity, which the reduces the chances for tweaks and sprains.  More than that, they fall under the umbrella of mobility exercises.  Improving mobility through warm-ups (such as they beginner ones), helps improve the range motion in the exercise.  Performing complete range of motion with good technique increases results and decreases injury risk.

Sample Workout Beginner Warm-up

3 Rounds

  • 8 Box Squats
  • 6 Walk Out

3 Rounds

  • 8R/8L Half Kneeling Chop and Lift
  • 3 Planks (10 Second hold)

3 Rounds

  • 20 Band Pull aparts
  • 6 Side planks with 5-10 second squeeze and hold

Box Squat:

This warm-up exercise focuses on having the client externally rotate their hips as wide as possible, while maintaining their feet with a 10 degree turn-out.  A box is used to help the client build strength and control through the full depth of the squat.

Walk Out:

A classic beginner warm-up exercise, the walk out strengthens the core and shoulders.  In execution, the client to lowers themselves from a standing position into a plank without bending their knees.  This movement makes an excellent regression for the burpee.  It also doubles as a mobility exercise for the hamstrings.

Walk out Beginner Warmup

Half Kneeling Chop and Lift

This beginer warmup exercise requires the client to maintain their leg in-line in a half-kneeling position, while they rotate a sandbell from their right side to their left side.  The client moves from a lower position and rotates upwards through the twist.  This movement leverages the arm length to make the dynamic load higher without causing compression of the spine.  Maintaining a straight back is key to as not to twist in a rounded position.

Sand Bell Chop and Lift Beginner Warmup

Planks and Side Planks

These simple exercises have been around for a century, but they are still as effective.  The key to coaching these exercises is make sure the clients adapts an active position on both the standard plank and side plank.  Relaxing into your cartilage of your shoulder leads to injury.

Band Pull Apart

Band Pull Apart Beginner Warmup

Band Pull Apart Beginner Warm Up InfographicThe Band Pull Apart is very frequently done incorrectly.  The key to the movement is the maintaining a palm up position and pulling far enough to drive the shoulder blade together.  Rowing the band towards your chest isn’t effective.  Once you have moved your shoulder blades together, the movement is complete.  This is an excellent exercise for people experiencing scapula winging or even frozen shoulder (you’ll likely need queing to get the shoulders to start moving.)  See your personal trainer or physical therapist before engaging in a self-corrective correctional exercise regime.  

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