Fallen Angel Yoga Pose Devaduuta Panna Asana. Learn how to master this challenging Yoga Arm Balance. Check out Ira’s Full Fallen Angel Practice Guide.
Fallen Angel Benefits
The Fallen Angel Yoga pose (Devaduuta Panna Asana) has various physical benefits because it:
- Builds strength in the arms, shoulders, core, and wrists
- Improves balance
- Improves spinal flexibility and back health
- Tones the thigh muscles
Warm-Up Poses for Fallen Angel
Fallen Angel, Devaduuta Panna Asana, is a beautiful arm balance with a twist that requires you to warm up your body first before trying it out.
Prepare your body for the Fallen Angel pose with gentle twists, hip-opening postures, and postures, which activate the arm muscles. You can check out the Alignment 88 Top Poses Article to choose your favorite warm-up poses.
I highly recommend the following warm-up poses:
- Upward Salute Side Bend Pose (Parsva Urdhva Hastasana), both sides
- Revolved Thunderbolt Pose (Parivrtta Vajrasana), both sides
- Supine Spinal Twist Pose II (Supta Matsyendrasana II), both sides
- Thread the Needle Pose (Urdhva Mukha Pasasana), both sides
- Plank Pose (Phalakasana)
- Garland Pose (Malasana)
How to get into the Fallen Angel Devaduuta Panna Asana Yoga Pose
To keep it simple, here are the four main points that you go through:
- Correct hand placement
- Twist
- Side-Crow
- Fallen Angel
Now, let’s look into the step-by-step details…
Correct Hand Placement
- Spread your fingers wide
- Place your hands on the mat, shoulder-width distance apart
- Elbows are facing towards your body
- Engage your core and twist your knees to one side
- Bring the bottom thigh to the closest elbow
- Lift your hips and shift your weight forward onto your hands

- Lift your feet off the floor
- Bring your shins parallel to the mat
- This pose is called side-crow
Tip: If you need help with balance and your core strength, the arm position creates a support system for the legs and hips. If you have the flexibility and range, you can place the hip that is facing down onto your one arm while your bottom thigh is placed on the other arm.
You should feel comfortable in your Side Crow arm balance before attempting the Fallen Angel Yoga pose.
Fallen Angel Yoga Pose – Devaduuta Panna Asana

- Carefully lower your head down placing your left temple on the mat
- The head rests on the mat for balance, do not put too much weight on the head
- Point your toes and move your feet up towards the ceiling
- Shins are almost perpendicular to the mat
- Core stays engaged to help keep your balance and legs lifted
- Slowly extend your top leg straight up towards the ceiling
- Keep your bottom leg bent with your knee resting on the triceps of your front arm
Tips for Fallen Angel Devaduuta Panna Asana
- Warm-up your body really well
- Work on your arm and core strength
- Keep the weight in your arms and off the head
- If you struggle with balance, pull the belly button towards the spine to engage, and press your hands into the mat
- To help with alignment, touch your bottom foot to your extended leg’s quad to make sure both legs are pointed up and are in line with each other
Want to improve your Yoga practice?
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That’s very nice for health.
Thanks for sharing these useful ideas!
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