Tip #1: Multivitamins For Weight Loss
Multivitamins Help Improve Weight Loss
Your metabolism will slow down if you are missing essential vitamins or minerals from your diet. In addition, Vitamin and Mineral deficiencies can increase inflammation levels, and decrease the body’s ability to repair tissue. Taking a multi-vitamin is easy, and it adds some insurance against missing an essential vitamin or mineral. Please keep in mind that taking a multivitamin is no substitute for getting your nutrition from whole food sources. Absorption from multivitamins can vary significantly.
Paul generally recommends the following 3 multivitamins for clients interested in weight loss or hypertrophy…
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How Multivitamins Improve Weight Loss
Every multivitamin is different.
How many grams of vitamin X and mineral Y do you need? In the US, our USDA has suggested that X grams of vitamin Y is Z% of your recommended daily value. That figure is based on a 2000 calorie diet and does not account for individual absorption, calorie intake, or exercise requirements. For example, you only need calcium in your multi-vitamin if… you aren’t getting enough calcium in your diet. How can you tell … get a blood test for your levels.
So which Multivitamins should you get?
There are probably about 500 varieties of multi-vitamins available, but I often recommend these 3 to my clients in Alexandria VA:
- Gummies – For those won’t take pills
- Now Men’s Extreme – Great All Around Vitamin
- Animal Pack — Best Multi-Vitamin for Hypertrophy
Are there other good choices? Is a USP seal important? Are there cheaper ones that are still good? Yes… the list of potential questions goes on. If you are very serious about losing weight and minimizing risks of missing an essential nutrient, these are questions you should ask. Differences in multivitamin sourcing, manufacturing, quality control, pricing, casing, etc can affect the overall performance of the supplement. Even elements like time of day and which foods you take them with make a difference. If you have specific questions, leave a comment, and I’ll answer them. Otherwise, just check the box and start taking your multivitamins in week 1.