Origin Nutrition Topic 41: Late Night Snacks? Good or Bad?
The Broscience:
No Carbs after 7:00, because your metabolism slows down. Take this Article by Dirk’s health with recommends not eating late at night because your metabolism slows down.1 Notice the lack of citations to authority.
The Truth:
The premise behind this broscience is false. Metabolism during the REM cycle in healthy individuals is often higher than resting metabolism.2 Plus, it has been clinically demonstrated that eating carbs before going to bed helps people fall asleep.3
“Carbs at Night Help with Weight Loss?”
- Dirks Health http://www.dirkshealth.com.au/late-night-snacks/ ↩
- European Journal Clinical Nutrition Seale JL, Conway JM. Relationship between overnight energy expenditure and BMR measured in a room-sized calorimeter. Eur J Clin Nutr. 1999 Feb;53(2):107-11. ↩
- American Journal of Clinical Nutrition ↩