Coach Spotlight: Jonathan Cardenas

My Fitness Journey with Jonathan Cardenas at Sand and Steel Fitness by Shelina Merchant. Jonathan and I talk often about how meditation, a positive outlook, and fitness all connect in overcoming pain (both emotional and physical). This helps you become a happier, more self-loving, and more self-confident version of yourself. He’s helped me change my perspective on working out so it’s not a chore, but rather an investment in myself that will pay off in so many ways. Sand & Steel has so many great trainers, but I wanted to take a minute to share with you why I choose Jonathan.

Personal Trainer Certification Mentorship Lessons Wide

Personal Trainer Certification: 9 Mentorship Lessons

One of the greatest values I can provide you as a mentor is the ability to see ahead what you cannot. To help prepare you for the challenges that lay ahead.  To set you on the right course so that you may improve.  To be a source of support when you make mistakes.  And to be Relentless in demanding that you improve.

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