Yoga Flows Yoga Poses Asanas

Yoga Poses, Yoga Flows, and Asanas for Strength & Power Athletes

Paul on Yoga. Through my practice of Yoga, I have mastered techniques like the handstand and forearms balances. Yoga has brought me strength that I could never develop from weight lifting alone. When I teach private yoga, I customize the lesson to the individual. Unlike other teachers who force you to conform to their program, we write a program designed for you.

Swaying Palm Tree Pose - Tiryak Tala-Vrikshasana (front) Private Yoga Lessons

Standing Yoga Poses Part 2

Standing Yoga Poses Part 2

The Standing Yoga Poses from the Crescent family (indudalasana) may be used to mobilize the obliques and lats.  Single leg variations are also useful for building balance.  The asanas (poses) shown in this article help mobilize the spine both from a side bend and various extensions.

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Yoga Adjustment Private Yoga Lessons

Yoga Adjustment to Improve your Health

Practicing yoga is a deeply intimate, personal experience, which is why many people choose to start a home practice. This is where you get to be one with your body. It’s a place to move into the breath and release tension in the muscles that so easily gather throughout your days. To really let go, though, you need a little help from someone else; you need a yoga adjustment.

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