To all of my athletes … your dedication and preparation for the Iron Star Games have been nothing short of fantastic. You have practiced the workouts and honed your technique. You have all won great victories and sampled the bitter taste of defeat. The Iron Star Games will determine who wins and who is second-best. So I’ll leave you with some words of wisdom … those that read the closest will rise above the rest. – Coach Paul
Past Events
Top 10 Reasons Not to Join the Iron Star Games
Have you registered for the Iron Star Games Yet? No? Well, your coach will be asking you to register soon. So I’ve compiled the top excuses you can use as a basis for saying no. Hint, I’ve also explained why each reason isn’t reflective of the reality of the Iron Star Games. 🙂
12 Workouts of Christmas 2020
Every year I, Coach Paul, has built a Christmas themed workout. And every year, I try to outdo myself. 2020 might not be the year for many great things … but I am happy to say that it will be the year to remember for a CrossFit-themed Christmas WOD. There are many CrossFit Christmas Workouts out there. None compare to this one. Merry Christmas 🎄 and Happy WODS to Everyone❄.
Thanksgiving CrossFit Workout 2020
Thanksgiving CrossFit Workout. The Turkey Buster by Paul Roberts & Katy Oblinger. Our Thanksgiving Day Workout is November 24, 2020. It’s a high-calorie scorcher. Check it Out for Turkey Day. Free for New Members
We realize that many people are staying home this year, because they want to be responsible. So do we. So get a workout in, socially-distanced, masks required, and safe.
-Dawn & Paul
Valentine’s Day WOD & Yoga. Cupid’s Revenge AMRAP
Valentine’s Day Special. Cupid’s Revenge Workout and Partner Yoga. Your Loved One Trains Free… now through Valentine’s Day. Personal Training & Yoga!