Bench Press Warm-ups

Bench Press Warmups in Powerlifting

Should you do warm-up before bench press in a powerlifting class?  One of our members asked me why we don’t provide warm-ups before our powerlifting classes?  That’s a complex, controversial question.  Here are the top 15 Warm-ups we recommend, a special Bench Press Warm-up Class, and an overarching answer to whether you need to warm-up in a powerlifting class.

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Powerlifting Back Squat Stength

Powerlifting Alexandria VA

Powerlifting is a strength based program focused on the Bench, Squat and Deadlift. In a powerlifting program, the athlete is focused on gaining strength using the prime moves of Deadlift, Bench, and Squat.  By adding in variations on the main lifts (Sumo Deadlift, Romanian, or Front Squat, Incline Bench etc) and adding accessory moves (Dumbell press, Pull ups, Tate Press etc), you quickly and consistently gain overall strength.  This article discuss several powerlifting programs in detail as well as how to perform several of key powerlifting exercises.

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Coach Flavio Kettlebell Sport Girevoy Sport Weightlifting Powerlifting Strongman Alexandria VA

Flavio Spaducci – Kettlebell Strength and Conditioning

🌟 Sand & Steel All-Star Coach.  July 2018

Flavio’s Personal Trainer Certifications

  1. Kettlebell Sport Coach Level 2: Exam passed with highest marks, certified by Oleh Ilikia, World Kettlebell Sport Federation president, multiple time world champion and Guinness Record holder
  2. Strongman Instructor: Certified by Francesco Gioia, Italy’s strongest man
  3. Crosslifting: A new sport born in Russia by combining all of the strength sports together. Spent a week in a Russian Olympic facility, training with Klokov, Berestov, Koklyaev and Denisov
  4. Weightlifting Instructor: Certified by Giles Greenwood in London, UK
  5. Functional Training Instructor: Certified by Italian Boxing Federation

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