Mobility Training

Mobility vs Flexibility vs Yoga vs Stretching

Exercise is essential for good health, but I am assuming you already know that.  But did you know Mobility Training is just as essential?  Do you even know what Mobility Training is and how it differs from concepts like flexibility, yoga, and stretching?  That’s what this article is all about.  Because without sufficient mobility, you cannot be all that you wish to be.  This applies whether your chosen craft is golf, strength training, CrossFit, or endurance running.  You are not as efficient as a runner, you are more likely to get injured as a golfer, you are slower in CrossFit than you ought to be, and as a powerlifter, your recovery times are slower.  Mobility is critical for all sports and physical activities.  Period.

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MWOD Certification Review

Ready State / MWOD Certification Review Movement & Mobility 101

The MWOD Certification Review by Paul on Movement & Mobility 101.  Kelly Starrett’s Movement & Mobility certification is my fifth certification in mobility.  Here’s my review of the certification, plus a list of new things I learned from the man himself, Kelly Starrett.

Book Mobility Sessions

If you are a mobility and movement coach, the MWOD Movement and Mobility Certification is a must have. Yes, it will take some work to finish, but it will help you become a better personal trainer.  You will be able to take care of your athletes better and keep them moving safely for years to come.

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Mobility and Flexibility

Sample Mobility Workout Template

How to Improve Mobility and Flexibility through Partner Stretching, PNF Stretching, M|WOD, and Yoga

Mobility helps improve range of motion of tight joints and muscles, and it helps stabilize and strength areas that have too much range.  This article demonstrates provides two example exercise routines for people needing additional range of motion in the hips, ankles, and thorasic spine.  Plus you’ll find numerous linked articles at the bottom covering all topics associated with stretching, stabilization, yoga, and mobility.

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FMS Trunk Stability Pushup

Mobility and Stability Screen

What if we could find problems before they turn into injuries?  And if there are injuries, what if we could track down the biomechanical source to repair those injuries?  We would be better…  We would train safer ….

Squat Warmup Routine Mobility and Flexibility Kettle Bell Pistol Squat

Squat Warm-up Routine

Squat Warm-up Routine:

Warming up is essential to have a productive workout, and to limit injury risk. Their are many different styles of warm-ups, but today we are going to focus on a squat warm-up routine for mobility and flexibility. Before you get to the barbell or kettlebell it is important to get the body ready for action. You may not feel that you have any tight adductors or groin muscles, but they still could be holding back you squats. If you have the classic Butt Wink or limited squat depth then something is tight or not firing. Take the time to warm up and get your body set for squats. Squats a a great strength move and proper execution is key.

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Strength Training Foundation Movements

Strength Training Foundation Movements

There are 8 basic strength movements: the Squat, Lunge, Hinge, Push, Pull, Arc/Hollow, Twist/Resist Twist, and Gait.  We’ll cover these techniques and discuss the proper form to do them safely.  We’ll also discuss various techniques to test muscle function by selecting members from the audience, and demonstrating how to test for proper neural control of muscles, and how to utilize strength training to restore and improve muscle function.

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